大坪 由佳 田代 教二 添島 正和 大森 桂二 山田 俊介 森永 健三 木村 瞳 岡松 加恵 山本 勝己 長島 義之 山崎 裕 城戸 寛史 松浦 正朗
福岡歯科大学学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850064)
vol.33, no.1, pp.11-19, 2007-03-31

The aim of this study was to investigate a treatment policy for the practices of Kyushu area dentists related to dental implant restorations for single missing teeth of the lower first molars and edentulous mandibles. Questionnaires were sent to 43 dentists practicing in the Kyusyu area. Valid answers were obtained from 23 dentists. During 2003, 20 clinics had performed various numbers of implant treatments, and a total of 539 cases had been treated with implant prostheses. During 2004, 21 clinics had performed implant treatments, and a total of 679 cases had been treated with implant prostheses. Thirteen clinics had performed single-tooth implant restorations of missing lower first molars during 2003 and 2004. The totals of the cases were 47 such cases during 2003, and 56 such cases during 2004. Conversely, 406 cases of missing lower first molars had been treated with conventional bridges during 2003, and 423 such cases during 2004. Only 5 clinics in 2003 and 6 clinics in 2004 had cases with edentulous mandibles treated with implant-supported prostheses. The totals of the cases were 19 cases during 2003 and 18 cases during 2004. Conversely, more than 300 cases during 2003 and 450 cases during 2004 had been treated with conventional full denture. Fourteen of 23 dentists strongly recommended implant therapy to patients with single missing teeth of the lower first molars and 10 dentists recommend implant therapy to the patients with edentulous mandibles.