田崎 亮子
外科と代謝・栄養 (ISSN:03895564)
vol.56, no.4, pp.133-138, 2022-08-15 (Released:2022-09-15)

GLIM基準において, 体重と体重の変化はアセスメント要因の現症項目となっている. 一方, 胃がん術後は多くの患者で体重減少が起きており, 体重やBMI, 体重の変化は栄養管理上重要な評価項目であると思われる. そこで今回, 胃がん手術を受ける患者の術前のBMIをGLIM診断のアジア人の低BMI基準を使って, 栄養状態の評価に使えるのか分析することを目的とした. 胃がん手術を受けた患者のデータをもとに, 年齢, 性別, がんのStage, 術式, BMI, ALBを調査しGLIM基準のBMIに基づいて分類した群の, 術前と術後1カ月のBMIとALBとの関連を分析した. GLIM基準のアジアのBMIで分けた4群で70歳以上の群 (A群B群) でも, 70歳未満の群 (C群D群) でもBMIの低い群 (B群・D群) がALBも低い傾向が伺えた. また, 年齢を加味せず全体では, GLIM基準の低BMIの「現症」を有している方 (B/D群) が, BMI基準値をクリアしている群 (A/C群) より有意にALBが低いことが分かった. GLIM基準は簡便な方法であり今回の調査でも低栄養の診断に使える可能性があることが伺えた. 超高齢社会の進展の中, GLIM基準は医療に限らず, 介護の分野でも広く使用される低栄養の診断基準ではないかと考えた.
川島 栄一 坂尾 稔 田崎 亮
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:18842062)
vol.1959, no.105, pp.93-107, 1959 (Released:2009-09-16)

The nuclear power plant for ship must be able to endure sufficently to the severe ship motion in rough sea. Therefore, in the design of reactor, we must predict the magnitude of acceleration_ or inertia force acting on it. In this paper, we attempted to the statistical considerations on the vertical acceleration due to the pitching and heaving, and some consideration of rolling acceleration. They are as follows.1. From the response amplitude operator of vertical acceleration that is measured at model experiment in regular wave and Neumann's spectrum of sea wave, we calculated the statistical magnitude of vertical acceleration of small fine ship, high speed cargo liner, and large oil tanker for various ship speed and wind velocity.2. From the above data, under the following condition, we obtained the values shown in Table 4 which was regarded as the reasonable values of vertical acceleration to use in the design of reactor part of various nuclear ship.a) As the ship speed, we adopted the maximum mean speed obtained from the point of view of resistance increase only.b) As the sea condition, we adopted the fully developed sea for wind velocity U=20 m/s.c) As the statistical magnitude of acceleration, we adopted the maximum acceleration a0, which is the vertical acceleration that the probability which maximum vertical acceleration in 5, 000 continuous waves exceeds a0 is 10%.3. The rolling acceleration at resonant condition are expressed by Ts·√g/B only approximately such as Fig. 17.The magnitude of rolling acceleration is smaller than that of vertical acceleration by pitching and heaving, but it must be careful because of the difference of its direction.