手塚 亜聖 畑毛 博樹 李家 賢一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2009, pp.251-254, 2009

In the normal operation of the scheduled flights, airline pilots maintain the level of the flight safety, economic fuel saving expenditure, punctual flight operation and passenger comfort. In this paper, we use the term "Flight Management Skill" as an operation skill with considering the above-mentioned factors. For the research of the Flight Management Skill, the high experimental cost and the availability of the full-flight simulator are the difficulty of the research. For the purpose of performing the Flight Management Skill research easily, we have developed PC tool, which displays a simplified flight situation and records the operation history. The PC tool does not reproduce all the components of the actual flight; we have to extract the significant items which affect the decision-making process of the actual flight. In the previous report, we have conducted experiments under the condition of Haneda airport runway closure due to earthquake. In the questionnaire, we have found comments claiming that, for the information of Haneda airport being re-opened was not automatically reported, the examinee decided to divert to other Airport without knowing the information. In this research, the PC tool has been modified so that the re-opening information of the destination airport is automatically reported. The experimental results demonstrate essentially the same results as the full flight simulator in the viewpoint of the difference between inexperienced and experienced pilots.