下里 哲弘 長坂 康史 矢吹 哲哉 有住 康則
公益社団法人 土木学会
構造工学論文集 A (ISSN:1881820X)
vol.62A, pp.559-570, 2016 (Released:2017-04-24)

Recently, corrosion damage on those steel bridges has been often reported. In particular, a section loss and a plate thickness reduction are concentrated in bridge girder ends, and the damage leads bridge failure in the worst case scenario. Since it is estimated that the corrosion damage of steel bridges greatly increases, effective and efficient repair methods are required. This study focuses on the repair method with carbon fiber sheets for shear panels. As a result of tests, the good specimen of shear strength, load carrying capacity and elongation performance, has been proven to be with low elasticity adhesives.