矢崎 律子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1979, no.40, pp.32-49, 1979-11-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

When one examines the content of the “Declaration on Christian Education” issued by the Second Vatican Council and the Circular Letter “the Catholic School” published two years ago, one sees that the Catholic Church aims at a modernization of Catholic education. The change becomes particularly evident if these two documents are compared to the Encyclical on Christian Education by Pius XI (1929). Using the occasion of Tarnowski's recently published book “An Existential Christian Pedagogy” in which the author describes the characteristics of this change as a shift from an essentialistic tendency toward an existential trend, it is attempted here to examine this change as far as possible objectively, scientifically and pedagogically.For that purpose the content has been studied as follows : (1) The Vatican Council and its background thought;(2) a comparison of Pius XI “Encyclical on Christian Education” and the “Declaration on Education” of Vatican II;(3) source of existential thought in Catholic education;(4) existential Catholic pedagogy;(5) the problems faced by existential Catholic pedagogy.