石井 貴三男
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.40, no.3, pp.530-554, 1986-06

With a view to clarifying the effect of calcium-deficient diet on the alveolar bone and tibia at growth stage, sixty male rats of Wistar strain, 3 weeks old, were examined for weight and photographic density and also radiologically, photographically, histopathologically and hemologically. The results were as follows : 1. The weight of those in experimental group decreased slightly at second week. Thereafter the weight increased with time as that of control group. However, the difference in weight between the two groups was great. 2. Radiologically, bone density of the alveolar bone decreased and was low until 5th week in experimental group. However the trabecula coarsened and the alveolar bone thickened. In the tibia, interosseous cortex and medial cortex showed a decrease in width and had about the same width until 5th week. Coarsening and fracture of the bone trabecula were also observed. 3. Photographically, the densitometric curve for the alveolar bone was different for the upper part and for the lower part in experimental group. The curve for the lower part of the alveolar bone declined with time but that for the upper part rose. In the tibia, the densitometric curve for interosseous cortex and for the medial cortex appeared as acute angles at 3rd week, but gradually declined with time and approximated those of cntrol group. 4. In photographic density, bone density of the alveolar bone for experimental group was always lower than that for control group and the difference increased with time. In the latter part of the experiment, bone density of the upper part of the alveolar bone decreased and that of the lower part increased, resembling the density at 3rd week. Bone density of the tibia was low until 4th week but showed little changes. Thereafter, the bone density of interosseous cortex was higher than that of medial cortex and was increasing. Difference was observed as compared with control group. 5. Histopathologically, resorption was observed in the whole of the alveolar bone for experimental group. Almost all of the inner walls of the alveolar bone were resorbed at 5th week and a hypocalcification layer replaced them. In the tibia, a hypocalcification layer appeared on the marrow side of medial cortex at 3rd week, were located at the outer basic lamellae of interosseous cortex at 4th week, and were seen at the outer basic lamellae of the two cortices at 5th week. Harversian canals increased markedly in number in the alveolar bone and tibia. 6. Hemologically, electrolytic serum Ca and the ratio of serum Ca, and serum Ip were low in value and serum Cl was high. Biochemical Al-P, CPK, GOT, and GPT were high.