村上 守良 六反田 篤 伊東 励 伊波 富夫 祐田 彰 小住 哲也 香月 俊祐 宮崎 秀夫 佐伯 栄一
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.32, no.5, pp.673-685, 1979-01-31

1964年から1965年にかけて沖縄で大流行した風疹は, 妊娠中であった母親に感染し, 罹患した母親から種々の障害を持った子が出生した.風疹の胎児感染による人体への影響について種々の分野から多数の研究報告がなされ, 長骨の異常, 生歯の異常などが指摘されている.口腔領域の研究報告は少く, 未だ多くの疑問が残されたままとなっている.著者らは発症後12年を経過した昭和52年8月, 沖縄における先天性風疹症候詳児104名(男55名, 女49名)について, 口腔診査, 上・下歯列の印象採得, X線撮影を行ない乳歯残存状況について検討した結果, 次のごとき結論をえた.1.乳歯残存保有者率は男47.27%, 女40.82%, 男女合計44.23%である.2.乳歯残存歯率は男6.27%, 女4.80%, 男女合計5.58%である.3.一人平均乳歯残存保有歯数は男1.25本, 女0.96本男女合計1.12本である.4.1∿4歯の乳歯残存保有者が男40.00%, 女38.78%, 男女合計39.41%で, これは乳歯残存を有するもののうち約90%をしめている.5.歯種別, 顎別の乳歯残存歯率は, 正常児に比し, 第二乳臼歯の残存率が男女とも上・下顎において特に高率である.6.乳歯残存の後継歯の存在率は乳犬歯で, 男86.05%, 女94.29%, 男女合計89.74%, 第一乳臼歯では男85.71%, 女100.00%, 男女合計91.67%, 第二乳臼歯では男89.47%, 女100.00%, 男女合計92.31%である.7.先天性風疹症候詳児は正常児より, 乳歯の晩期残存が多数みられ, 永久歯の萌出が遅滞している.
鈴木 裕法
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.59, no.2, pp.61-79, 2005-05-25 (Released:2017-12-20)

本研究は中華人民共和国西部の新彊ウイグル自治区ウルムチ市に居住するウイグル族の歯冠形質の特徴ならびに他民族集団との人類学的位置関係を明確にすることを目的とした.研究資料として中華人民共和国新彊ウイグル自治区ウルムチ市の民族中学校に通学する16歳〜19歳の男女各80名より採取された上下顎石膏歯列模型を用いた.研究方法はArizona State University Dental Plaque Systemを基準として,歯冠19形質の出現頻度と発達程度を調査し,モンゴロイド9民族集団,コーカソイド2民族集団ならびにネグロイドとの比較を行い,以下の結論を得た.1.観察したウイグル族の歯冠19形質のなかで出現率の高いものは,Canine distal accessory ridge (UC), Premolar lingual cusp variation (LP2), Carabelli's trait (UM1), Hypocone (UM2)および4cusp (LM2)の5形質であった.また,出現率の低いものはCanine mesial ridge (UC), Odontome (U and LP1, 2), Distal trigonid crest (LM1), Cusp7 (LM1)およびY-groove pattern (LM2)の5形質であり,周辺の民族集団とは明らかな相違があった.2.ウイグル族の歯冠19形質のうち,コーカソイド的であったのはShoveling (UI1), Double-shovel (UI1), Odontome (U and LP1, 2), Carabelli's trait (UM1), Cusp6 (UM1)および4cusp (LM2)の6形質,シノドント的であったのはWinging (UI1^2), Tuberculum dentale (UC), Premolar lingual cusp variation (LP2), Cusp5 (UM1), Protostyid (LM1)およびY-groove pattern (LM2)の6形質であった.このことからウイグル族の歯冠はコーカソイドとモンゴロイドの双方の特徴を持つことがわかった.3.ウイグル族と他民族集団との類縁性を歯冠19形質に基づいて明らかにするため,Ward法を用いてシノドント(日本人,漢族,満族,朝鮮族,回族,ダフル族,ナシ族),スンダドント(縄文人,タイ人),コーカソイド(ヨーロッパ人,北アフリカ人),ネグロイド(Sub-Saharan African)とのクラスター分析を行った.その結果は,ウイグル族はシノドントとスンダドントからなるモンゴロイド集団のクラスターではなく,ヨーロッパ人と北アフリカ人のコーカソイド集団とネグロイドを含むクラスターに含まれた.4.ウイグル族とシノドント(日本人,漢族,満族,朝鮮族,回族,ダフル族,ナシ族),スンダドント(縄文人,タイ人),コーカソイド(ヨーロッパ人,北アフリカ人),ネグロイド(Sub-Saharan African)の12集団の多次元尺度法による分析を行った結果,ウイグル族はシノドント集団とコーカソイド集団の中間に位置していた.以上のことから,中国新彊ウイグル自治区ウルムチ市に居住する現代ウイグル族はシノドント集団とコーカソイド集団の中間的形質を持つことからシノドントとコーカソイドの混血民族であることが歯冠19形質からも示唆された.
宮本 謙治 下田 妙子 伊藤 明彦 嶋村 昭辰
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.40, no.5, pp.1124-1136, 1986-10-25

The morphological and histological characteristic of the teeth of the Afghan pika, Ochotona rufescens rufescence were studied in 12 animals, weighing about 200-300 grams. After the skulls were soft X-rayed, some were prepared for examination on a dissecting microscope and the others for non-decalcified or calcified sections. The main results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. All of the incisors and molars were rootless. 2. The labial and distal surface of the outer incisors were covered with enamel. On the other hand, it was absent on the palatal and mesial surface. For the inner incisors, the four surfaces were covered perfectly with enamel. 3. Enamel was absent on the buccal surface of the upper molars and on the lingal surface of the lower molars. 4. The longitudinal groove found in the labial surface of the outer incisors was filled comparatively thickly with cellular cementum. In the molars, except the lower M_3, bonelike cementum was supplemented along the longitudinal grooves of each lobule (the isthmus) and reinforced the connection between the two. 5. In both the incisors and molars, all of their surfaces including the filling cementum were covered with remarkably thin acellular cementum. 6. The ameloblast being in the process of forming young enamel derived from the enamel organ in the basal end were degenerated gradually toward the occlusal side and were replaced suddenly with the cementoblasts derived from the dental sac. Consequently, on the region cementum covered over enamel (on the occlusal side). Where enamel was absent, neither ameloblast nor inner enamel epithelium was observed. Instead, only short cementoblasts were seen. 7. As compared with the domestic rabbit, the following differences were pointed out. a. The upper M_3 was absent in this animal. b. The lower M_3 of the animal were of single lobule, while those of the rabbit were of double lobi. c. Distribution of enamel in the mesial and distal surfaces of the outer incisors differed slightly between the two animals. d. The region lacking the molar's enamel in the pika tended to be a very little wider than that of the rabbit.
園木 一男 中島 左代里 内藤 徹 高田 豊 横田 誠
九州歯科学会総会抄録プログラム 第63回九州歯科学会総会
pp.11, 2003 (Released:2004-06-21)

桜井 徹 楊 栄展 田中 豊秋 中山 祥和 吉原 純也 今泉 哲
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.40, no.2, pp.496-499, 1986-04-25

A case of inverted tooth eruption in the nasal cavity is reported. A 59-year-old female was referred to the Kyushu Dental College Hospital for evaluation of a fistula in the palate by her dentist. The patient complained of nasal discharge and discomfort in the left nasal cavity. Radiographic examination revealed an inverted tooth in the left nasal cavity. Literature on the inverted tooth was surveyed for the past ten-year, and age, sex, tooth forms, symptoms, and etiology of the inverted tooth were also discussed.
平本 嘉助
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.36, no.5, pp.767-783, 1982-10-25

The author made a topographic anatomical study of the sphenoid bone of the male Middle Kyushuites and compared their topographical features with those of some other authors. Although there have been many roentgenologic studies of the turkish saddle, a few topographic anatomical studies of the dried sphenoid bone have been referred to. The authors of these studies are as follows : Nakahara (1953), Nishimura (1957), Mashimo et al. (1964), Saigusa (1933), Hoshi (1958), Dodo (1974). The sphenoid bone not only has the round, oval and spinous foramen, but also makes the internal orifice of carotid canal and the turkish saddle. Furthermore, it has the pterygoidal process. Their morphological features were observed according to certain classifications and measured. The results were briefly summed up as follows. 1. The following types of the observational features showed the highest percentage in the Middle Kyushuites as well as in the Kantoites : the transverse ellipse type of the hypophyseal fossa, the concave type of the floor of the turkish saddle, the round type of the round foramen, the ellipse type of the oval foramen, the round type of the spinous foramen. 2. The internal orifice of carotid canal showed the highest percentage of the C-type in the Middle Kyushuites and in the Kantoites. 3. The following observational items showed no statistically significant differences among the Middle Kyushuites, the Tohokuites and the Kantoites : Pterygo-spinous foramen, Foramen ovale incomplete, Clinoid bridging. 4. The Middle Kyushuites showed the highest percentage of 75.0% in the foramen of Vesalius. It was significantly higher than the frequencies of the Tohokuites and the Kantoites. 5. The pterygo-basal bridging occurred in 5.8% of the Middle Kyushuites. 6. The pterygoidal process showed the highest percentage of the E-type in the Middle Kyushuites, but of the B-type in the Kantoites. 7. The turkish saddle of the Middle Kyushuites tended to be shallower than that of the Kyotoites, and was shallower than that of the Hokurikuites. 8. As for the maximum and transverse diameters of the oval foramen, there were no statistically significant differences among the Middle Kyushuites, the Kantoites and the Germans. 9. Distances between centers of foramens on both sides in the Middle Kyushuites were nearly equal to those in the Kantoites. 10. The shortest distance in the external cranial fossa between the oval and the spinous foramens was significantly shorter in the Middle Kyushuites than in the Kantoites. 11. Ratio of totaled projected area of the greater wings to that of the lesser wing was 1.72. Ratio of totaled projected area of the lesser wing to that of the body was 1.10. Ratio of totaled projected area of the greater wings to that of the body was 1.86. 12. Between the Middle Kyushuites and the Kantoites, the measurements and indices of the pterygoidal process showed significant differences as follows ; the length of the pterygoidal process in both sides, the middle breadth of the pterygoidal fossa in the right side, and the length-breadth index of the pterygoidal fossa in both sides of the Middle Kyushuites were larger than those of the Kantoites. In the contrary, the following items in the Middle Kyushuites were smaller than those in the Kantoites ; the greatest length of the pterygoidal fossa in the right side, the greatest depth of the pterygoidal fossa in the left side, the breadth-depth index of the pterygoidal fossa in both sides, and the angle of lower edge of the lateral plate in both side, respectively. The differences in the other measurements and indicies were insignificant between the two groups.
中村 恵子 鱒見 進一 安東 俊介 竹内 敏洋 久保 雅晴 安元 和雄 金藤 哲明
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.61, no.2.3, pp.77-81, 2007 (Released:2008-09-16)
3 2

守川 雅雄 廖 梓〓 清水 稔弘 安元 和雄 豊田 静夫 小園 凱夫 佐藤 博信
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.37, no.5, pp.945-963, 1983-10-25

ニュートラルゾーンテクニックは, ニュートラルゾーン(以後, N・Zと記す)内に適切に人工歯が排列され, さらに義歯床辺縁および研磨面からの周囲組織の動態と緊密に適合することによって, はじめて効果的な義歯の維持安定が確保されるという基本的理論に基づいた術式であり, その成果は術者および患者の両者によって大きく評価されている.しかしながら, N・Zは歯牙の喪失および歯槽骨の吸収によって生じた空隙であるために, それ自体が口腔内で占める領域, 形態は, 一定であろうという既成概念があり, その再現性つまり定形性等について行った根本的な研究は見当らない.この研究では, 同一条件下で, 同一術者が繰返えし記録した場合のN・Zの部位および形態の動向と, さらに条件を変えた場合について, 仮想咬合平面上で検討した.当術式によるN・Z記録の再現性は予期していたよりはるかに小さく, 同一患者におけるN・Z中点の記録間で統計学的に有意差の出る割合いは, 切歯部で55.4%, 臼歯部では66.4%であり, 幅については切歯部では41.8%, 臼歯部では49.1%であった.N・Z記録における頬舌的中央線はほとんどの症例で歯槽頂より唇頬側に位置しており, その平均値は切歯部で4.66mm, 臼歯部で1.87mmであった.また繰返えしによる中点のバラツキは臼歯部より切歯部で大きく, 逆に幅については切歯部より臼歯部が大きかった.切歯部と臼歯部の中点間ならびに幅間には正の相関関係がみられたが, 各それぞれ基準点における中点・幅間には認められなかった.他方, 異った条件下でN・Z記録を採得すると従来のものとの間にかなりの変化がみられたが, 術者が代わっただけの条件の変化では著明な変化はみられなかった.このことはN・Zは主として患者自身の機能運動によって記録されるものであり, ある程度の経験さえあれば術者の巧拙にはよらないということを示唆していると考える.
石井 貴三男
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.40, no.3, pp.530-554, 1986-06

With a view to clarifying the effect of calcium-deficient diet on the alveolar bone and tibia at growth stage, sixty male rats of Wistar strain, 3 weeks old, were examined for weight and photographic density and also radiologically, photographically, histopathologically and hemologically. The results were as follows : 1. The weight of those in experimental group decreased slightly at second week. Thereafter the weight increased with time as that of control group. However, the difference in weight between the two groups was great. 2. Radiologically, bone density of the alveolar bone decreased and was low until 5th week in experimental group. However the trabecula coarsened and the alveolar bone thickened. In the tibia, interosseous cortex and medial cortex showed a decrease in width and had about the same width until 5th week. Coarsening and fracture of the bone trabecula were also observed. 3. Photographically, the densitometric curve for the alveolar bone was different for the upper part and for the lower part in experimental group. The curve for the lower part of the alveolar bone declined with time but that for the upper part rose. In the tibia, the densitometric curve for interosseous cortex and for the medial cortex appeared as acute angles at 3rd week, but gradually declined with time and approximated those of cntrol group. 4. In photographic density, bone density of the alveolar bone for experimental group was always lower than that for control group and the difference increased with time. In the latter part of the experiment, bone density of the upper part of the alveolar bone decreased and that of the lower part increased, resembling the density at 3rd week. Bone density of the tibia was low until 4th week but showed little changes. Thereafter, the bone density of interosseous cortex was higher than that of medial cortex and was increasing. Difference was observed as compared with control group. 5. Histopathologically, resorption was observed in the whole of the alveolar bone for experimental group. Almost all of the inner walls of the alveolar bone were resorbed at 5th week and a hypocalcification layer replaced them. In the tibia, a hypocalcification layer appeared on the marrow side of medial cortex at 3rd week, were located at the outer basic lamellae of interosseous cortex at 4th week, and were seen at the outer basic lamellae of the two cortices at 5th week. Harversian canals increased markedly in number in the alveolar bone and tibia. 6. Hemologically, electrolytic serum Ca and the ratio of serum Ca, and serum Ip were low in value and serum Cl was high. Biochemical Al-P, CPK, GOT, and GPT were high.
篠崎 文彦
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.34, no.3, pp.227-239, 1980-09-25

About ten years ago, dentists had no interest in the hepatitis B virus infection during their practicing. Recent publications in the medical literature indicate that an increased risk of viral hepatitis infection exists not only for physicians but also dentists. Infection with hepatitis B is a well-recognized occupational hazard among health care professionals. It is diagnosed by detection in the blood of Australia antigen, now called hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The incubation period is long, between 4 weeks to 6 months and the HBs antigen may be present in the blood for 6 weeks or more before and after the onset of symptoms. But clinical hepatitis is only a small number, probably less than 5 percent ; most all is latent infection. Contact of hands with blood and saliva repeatly expose the practicing dentist to potentially infectious materials. Avoidance of accidental cuts and pricks from instruments and needles is important. The wearing of a mask and spectacles may help, as well as washing hands after work.
稲永 清敏 森本 泰宏 瀬田 祐司 大住 伴子 鯨 吉夫 粟野 秀慈
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.62, no.6, pp.224-230, 2009-02-25

安藤 慎一郎
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.34, no.4, pp.377-397, 1980-11-25 (Released:2017-12-22)

Gingivectomy was performed experimentally in adult rhesus monkeys and patho-histological and neurohistological observations were made of the healing process of the wounds for six weeks from the second day after operation. The results were as follows : 1. Regeneration of the epithelium of the gingivectomy wounds began on the second day after operation and the surface coverage of the wounds was complete on the tenth day. 2. Proliferation of young granulation tissue in the lamina propria of the gingiva began on the third day. Fibration followed and the direction and arrangement of fibers became regular on the 28th day, findings similar to the control's. 3. Bone resorption at the alveloar process was observed in about a half of the cases between the first and fourth week and in two out of six cases in the sixth week. Addition of new bones began on the tenth day and increased thereafter, and the similar findings were observed in four out of six cases in the sixth week. 4. Findings of degeneration such as swelling, lacerations, hypochromatosis, and granular decomposition were observed as early as on the second day around the central cut-surface of the nerve fibers severed in gingivectomy. 5. The degenerative findings around the cut-surface gradually advanced toward the central side and were the most significant on the fifth day. The degeneration of nerve fibers extended to the mucobuccal fold in the alveolar mucous membrane and to the apical region in the periodontal membrane. 6. Regeneration of nerve fibers began in the first week and formation of Bungner's bands was observed in the periodontal membrane from the dental neck to a half of the root and under the attached gingival mucous membrane. 7. Many minute regenerated nerve fibers were seen in the margin of granulation tissue under the new free gingival mucous membrane on the tenth day. Regenrated knob-like nerve endings were seen under the new attached gingival mucous membrane. 8. The findings in the periodontal membrane at the apical region in the second week were about the same as for the control. The amount of distribution however was slightly increased. 9. Many regenerated nerve fibers and free nerve endings were seen under what is called new free gingival mucous membrane of the external marginal epithelium and inner marginal epithelium, and their distribution was about the same as for the control. 10. The nerve fibers under the periodontal membrane and alveolar mucous membrane were still minute in the fourth week and the amount of distribution increased slightly compared with that for the control. The findings in the sixth week were about the same as for the control.
土田 雅通
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.25, no.3, pp.215-249, 1971 (Released:2017-12-23)

The recent advances in the atomic absorption spectrophotometry has facilitated the studies on the copper and zinc levels in blood of the cancer-bearing organism. But there are few reports in which these metals in the whole blood and plasma as well as formed components of blood, i.e. erythrocytes and leucocytes were determined with use of a single blood sample. The present author applied the apparatus of the atomic absorption spectophotometry (HITACHI-207) for the determination of the copper and zinc contents in the whole blood and in the components of blood. A total of 76 cases were examined, consisting of 31 patients with malignant tumors including 10 cases of oral cancer, 20 patients with benign diseases and 25 normal persons. The copper and zinc levels in blood showed a remarkable difference only in the plasma between the normal group and the group with malignancy. In the normal group, the copper of the plasma was 1.21±0.21μg/ml. On the other hand, in the group with malignancy, the plasma copper levels were significantly higher than in the normal group, being 1.02±0.21μg/ml. In the normal group the copper content in the erythrocytes was 0.94±0.10μg/ml, and that in the whole blood was 1.05±0.13μg/ml, whereas the zinc content in the erythrocytes was 13.9±2.6μg/ml, and that in whole blood was 7.56±2.36μg/ml. The mean of copper content in the leucocytes was 16.2μg/10^<10> cells. The zinc content in the leucocytes was 152±44μg/10^<10> cells in the normal group, 160±76μg/10^<10> cells in the group with malignant tumors, and 144±61μg/10^<10> cells in benign diseases. There was no significant difference among these groups. In the group with malignant tumors, however, the cases with oral cancer showed a significantly higher level of 213±80μg/10^<10> cells than the normal group (p<0.002), and the cases with the cancer of the stomach and other organs tended to show lower levels than the normal group. Furthermore, an inverse correlation existed only in the groups with malignancy between the number of the leucocytes and the zinc content in the leucocytes (γ=-0.4720). This correlation was also noticed in the group with the cancer of stomach and other organs (γ=-0.5298), and a similar tendency was found in cases of oral cancer although no correlation of statistical significance could be proved. The fact that these latter patients had been subjected to the chemotherapy and radiological treatments before the blood examination, might be one of the causes of the phenomenon. No correlation existed between the score of dithizone staining of the leucocytes that was obtained with the method of Fujimoto in our department and the zinc content in the leucocytes that was determined with the present method.
仲西 修 山室 宰 福井 偉功人 神 房次 冨宿 博隆 木庭 浩高 堀内 信子 西 正勝
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.49, no.4, pp.265-267, 1995-08-25 (Released:2017-12-21)

The activity of topical anesthesia for the needling pain of local anesthetic injection was examined by using visual analog scale in the eight healthy volunteers. Volunteers were applied topical anesthesia (5% benzocaine) or placebo at mucobuccal region of canine. The needling pain of local anesthetic injection was assessed at mucobuccal region of canine at 1.5 minutes after applying topical anesthesia or placebo. There were no significant differences between these two groups ; one was applied topical anesthesia, the other was applied placebo. We assumed that the time allowed from application of topical anesthesia to local anesthesia to local anesthetic infiltration was not long enough to cause differences.