伊藤 博元 白井 康正 井伊 京一郎 横内 正直 石川 雅人 柴崎 徹 沢泉 卓哉
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.10, no.2, pp.195-197, 1986-07-28 (Released:2012-11-20)

Methods of reduction of anterior dislocations of the shoulder have commonly used the Kocher or Hippocratic maneuvers.Many surgeons had prefered the Kocher leverage technique, but recently some authors have not recommended their use because of the possibility of increasing damage to the capsule, soft tissues and injuring the axillary vessels and the brachial plexus. While Milch recommended the forward elevation maneuvers for reduction of anterior dislocations of the shoulder as the simple and safe techniques.Twenty cases were performed with the forward elevation maneuver for the shoulder dislocation in our hospitals. The patients are placed in a supine position on the examining table, intravenous and intramuscular medication are not required. The patients are instructed to relax as much as possible while the maneuver is performed, the arm is very slowly and gently abducted untill 90 degrees.The horizontal adduction on the 90 degrees plane is applied to 90 degrees flextion position, forward flexion is continued untill reduction is carryed out. Nineteen of 20 cases were obtained complete reduction without assistants and anesthesia by this techniques, another one case was needed the muscle relaxant due to severe pain.