石田 慶和
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.10, pp.1-13, 1993 (Released:2018-03-29)

K. Nishitani’s treaties on Pure Land Buddhism are not so much in comparison with those of Zen Buddhism, but there are very important understandings in them. For instance, in “Religion and Nothingness” (translated by J. v. Bragt) Nishitani says, “In religion, however, faith comes about only on a horizon where this field has been overstepped and the framework of the ‘ego’ has been broken through.”(p. 26) “Faith, in contrast, marks the point at which the self is really and truly a solitary self, and really and truly becomes the self itself. At the same time, however, this faith is not simply a thing of the self, but takes on the shape of a reality.”(p. 27) “This reality comes about at once as the absolute negation and the absolute affirmation of the solitary self.”(ibid.) “The moment one pure act of faith (信の一念)springs up, this faith is constituted as a state of nonregression (不退転)through which the believer enters a state of ‘right confirmation (正定聚)’. This is so because this faith is not merely a conscious act of the self, but an actualization within the self of the reality we have been speaking of.”(p. 28) Those understandings are very essential in the Shinran’s thought. We shall be able to realize the true meaning of “shinjin (faith)” in Shinran from the universal viewpoint by them.
石田 慶和
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.7, pp.1-16, 1990 (Released:2018-03-21)

Es gibt viele buddhistische Schriften in Japan von alters her, die das Wesen der Religion klar machten. Diese Schriften haben zwar das religionsphilosophische Wahrheitsmoment in sich, aber wir können nicht sagen, daß sie wissenschaftlich zu dem Gebiet der Religions-philosophie gehören. Die Religions-philosophie in Japan im strengen Sinne des Wortes ist durch der Anstrengungen der Buddihisten und der Christen in der frühen Meiji-Periode ausgemacht. Wir möchten hier die ersten religions-philosophischen Schriften, zum Beispiel Masahisa Uemuras “Shinri Ippan”(1884), Kanzô Uchimuras “Kyuanroku”(1893), Manshi Kiyosawas “Syûkyôtetugaku-gaikotu”(1892) vorstellen. Durch die Erörterung dieser Schriften werden wir den Entstehungs-verlauf der Religions-philosophie und den Vertiefungs-prozeß des Denkens über die Religion in Japan erklären.

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武内義範 石田慶和著