石野 美久 ISHINO Miku
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科 教育科学専攻
教育論叢 (ISSN:0288996X)
vol.62, pp.15-27, 2019-03-20

In this research, I picked up the brass band club of junior high school and presented the possibility that an educational viewpoint intervened in the review of the All Japan Wind Instruments Competition by reviewing the music magazine "Band Journal". Among the reviews of "Band Journal", there are several educational viewpoint and they are classified as follows: 1, Closeness to natural style of junior high school student. 2, Development stage. (It is further divided into "effort, attitude to challenge", "performance technique", "music selection".) 3, Background of practicing process and club activity. 4, Physical performance other than musical performance. Originally, each performance is evaluated only by technological skill and expression skill. However, it turned out that the educational point of view mentioned above exists in "Band Journal" as a substitute for the competition evaluation. Advisers and members of the brass band club who think "Band Journal" has the evaluation of official competition may reflect the educational perspective in daily exercises and performances. In addition, because the educational viewpoint intervenes in the brass band competition though "B J," the brass band competition has two characteristics that is not only a competitive aspect but also an ducational aspect. By this research, it was suggested that the brass band contest of the junior high school has another aspect.