砂原 由和
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1987, no.56, pp.42-54, 1987-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The purpose of this paper is, taking hints from Heidegger's thought, to examine the meaning of objectivating man technically, thus trying to advance to the point of questioning the essence of technology. The paper consists of the following parts.I. Looking at the tendency of contemporary technology to include in its objects not only simple matter, but also language and knowledge.II. According to the technology theory of Heidegger, all being (Seiendes) can become the object of technology. Hence, if man is also a being, he, too, can become technologically speaking an object.III. However, at the time when Heidegger wrote “Sein und Zeit”, he did not consider man as a simple being. IV. But in front of contemporary technology man is merely a being. When Heidegger realised this fundamentally, he indicated a new relation between the being (Seiendes) and to be (Sein).