福富 孝治
東京帝國大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University (ISSN:00408972)
vol.13, no.4, pp.1010-1018, 1935-12-20

After the destructive Siduoka earthquake of July 11th, 1935. in strongly shaken area a precise levelling along a route of old Tokaido extending from Tegosi, Siduoka, to Sodesi near Okitu, and that along a route extending from Kunosan-sita to the eastern bank of the river Abe along Suruga Bay were carried out in four times. The relative vertical displacements of the bench marks along these level lines obtained by comparing the results of the recent measurements with those of earlier ones are shown in Table I-IV and in Fig5. 2~6. The writer made some discussions for the results.
福富 孝治
東京帝国大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.13, no.4, pp.1010-1018, 1935-12-20

After the destructive Siduoka earthquake of July 11th, 1935. in strongly shaken area a precise levelling along a route of old Tokaido extending from Tegosi, Siduoka, to Sodesi near Okitu, and that along a route extending from Kunosan-sita to the eastern bank of the river Abe along Suruga Bay were carried out in four times. The relative vertical displacements of the bench marks along these level lines obtained by comparing the results of the recent measurements with those of earlier ones are shown in Table I-IV and in Fig5. 2~6. The writer made some discussions for the results.