米勢 政勝 中垣 正幸
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.101, no.6, pp.493-500, 1981-06-25

Electrolyte permeabilities of the mixed membranes composed of gelatin and chondroitin sulfate-C (ChS) were discussed theoretically by taking the water content as well as the charge density of the membrane into consideration. The membrane constant, f, was found to agree with the theoretical values derived by J.S. Mackie et al. The specific permeabilities were evaluated by the interaction factor, ψ. For the gelatin membranes, the ψ values of various electrolytes were found to be in the following order, ψKSCN>ψKCI>ψCaCl_2>ψK_2SO_4,which is in accordance with the order of the binding property with the gelatin. For the mixed membranes, ψKCI values were found to be independent of the ChS content (ψKCIm1). However, ψCaCl_2 values increased with an increase in the ChS content, and the permeabilities of CaCl_2 were found to increase in contrast with the expection from the electrstatic effect.