膳所 美光
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03009165)
vol.3, no.3, pp.107-120, 1951

1. In the sera of four guinea pigs out of seventeen immunized against rhesus blood, a conspicuous amount of Rh antibodv was detected. In three of the guinea pigs' the anti-rhesus agglutinin remained unabsorbed and showed apparent difference of agglutination with either Rh-positive or Rh-negative red cells. 2. To obtain anti-Rh sera, 2 cc immunizing injection of a 10% suspension of washed rhesus blood cells was given at one time. It was found to be sufficient. 3. The distribution of Rh sera system blood type in Fukuoka district is as follows: Rh-positive ・・・98.34%, Rh-negative・・・1.66% 4. In a mother's serum among five cases of icferus neonatorum gravis, various irregular antibodies were detected, namely univalent as well as bivalent Rh antibody, immune isoagglutinin of unidentified blood type and univalent anti-A and anti-B agglutinin. These antibodies agglutinated the blood cells of a spouse or sick children, either by agglutiantion or conglutination test at 37℃. 5. Erythroblastosis is caused by homo-immunization arising from the blood type incompatibility (especially Rh incompatibility) between mother and child, resulting in the transmission of the immune isoagglutinin in maternal serum into fetal one through the placental circulation. 6. Erythroblastosis may be caused not only by Rh incompatibility, but also by ABO incompatibility between mother and child.