花城 梨枝子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.5, pp.443-453, 1999-05-15

The purpose of this study is to clarify the socio-economic background of over-indebted people in Okinawa. What was clarified was compared with that in 46 prefectures of Japan. The findings of this study are : 1) The rate of bankruptcy has been increasing in Japan, and the average rate of bankruptcy in 1996 was 7 times greater than in 1989. In Okinawa, however, bankruptcy rate increased 21.4 times during the same period. As for the number of cases resulting in court mediation, the increase was 43.9 times greater. 2) The choice of bankruptcy does not seem an easy wayout for all over-indebted people ; once they go legally bankrupt, their debt is automatically transferred to their surety, who are in most cases their next of kins such as aged parents or children. It is also found, on the other hand, the blood tie, the easier it is to find surety, i. e, more likely it is for the amount of debt to increase. 3) The increase of bankruptcy or court mediation in Okinawa may be attributed to the high unemployment rate (highest in Japan), the average income (lowest in Japan), and the large number of financing companies.