荒憲 治郎
季刊 理論経済学 (ISSN:0557109X)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-13, 1975-04-25 (Released:2008-02-28)

The objects of the paper are, first, to analyse the theory of surrogate production function as developed by Prof. Samuelson from a standpoint of more general interindustrial relationships and, second, to introduce the factors of neutral technical progress into the model and examine their character.Let A=the liquid capital coefficient matrix which is assumed indecomposable and l=the labor coefficient positive vector. Our main results are as follows.Theorem (1): For the capital intensity of labor to be uniform in all lines of industry, it is necessary and sufficient that l is the left hand Frobenius vector of A.Theorem (2): For the relative prices of capital goods to remain constant in spite of changes in the rate of profit, it is necessary and sufficient that the capital intensity of labor is uniform in all lines of industry.Theorem (3): Let the grand-factor-price-frontier be composed of various techniques of production the capital intensity of labor of which is uniform in all lines of industry respectively. Then it is necessary and sufficient for the technical progress to be neutral in the sense of both Harrod and Hicks that the surrogate production function is described by the Cobb-Douglasian type.