菅 文朗
Japan Audiological Society
vol.15, no.2, pp.138-144, 1972

Comparative studies of congenitally deaf human and white cats with partial albinism of the eyeball were made. Pathology of inner ear lesion in man was explained by electrophysiological and histopathological data obtained from the deaf white cat. Absence of the endocochlear resting potential in the deaf white cat indicated an ionic alternation of endolymph. A cochleo-saccular degeneration of Scheibe's type which observed in the white cat may be produced by this ionic change. Cochlear lesion in the deaf human was attributed to the same pathology. Majority of the human cases had canal paresis while the histopathologic observation of the deaf white cat demonstrated normal structures of the semicircular canals and the utricle. Reasons of this discrepancy have not been explained. Inheritance of deafness in the white cat was a dominant autosomal mode while majority of the human cases did not show the dominant inheritance.