菅宮 健
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.41, no.5, pp.485-497, 2000-05-25 (Released:2010-09-30)

衣服の着用実態とその外気温との関連を調べることを目的とし, 北海道から沖縄に至る全国にわたって高校生の冬の着衣内容を調査した.沖縄を除いて, 気温が高いところほど, 男女高校生が上半身に着用している下着類の着用枚数及び合計クロー値が大きくなっていることが見いだされた.男子の下半身にも, 同様の傾向が見られた.高校の制服は保温性が全国的にほぼ同じなので, 沖縄を除き, 暖かいところの高校生ほど教室内で厚着をしていることになる.この興味ある現象について, 寒冷地ほど暖房が普及し室温が高いこと, ならびに寒冷適応と関連させて考察を行った.高校生が着用している下着類・靴下類・防寒用の外衣類などの品目別着用率, 及びそれらの品目の組み合わせの着用率を, 気温によるクラスター分析により区分した地域別に示した.これらのデータから寒いところの高校生ほど下着は軽装で外衣を厚着していることが判明した.
菅宮 健
生活学論叢 (ISSN:24332933)
vol.5, pp.3-14, 2000-09-30 (Released:2021-03-29)

It has been a long-established tradition to scatter soybeans in the bean-scattering ceremony on setsubun, the eve of the beginning of spring. However, recently in Hokkaido district, people use peanuts instead of soybeans in this ceremony. In order to investigate changes of manners and customs followed on setsubun, a survey was made throughout Japan by means of questionnaires. All of respondents in Hokkaido and about 80% in Tohoku district were shown to scatter peanuts. In other districts many respondents used soybeans and those who chose peanuts were minor. A change from soybeans to peanuts was estimated to occur earlier in Hokkaido than in Tohoku. Reasons of this change were discussed in connection with the characteristic style of indoor living in Hokkaido. A new trend was found to spread from Kinki to neighboring districts. On setsubun, many people there eat in silence futomaki whole, big vinegared rice rolled in dried laver, looking toward a lucky direction of the year and praying for good luck. The custom to eat as many beans as one's age on this day was shown to prevail throughout the country, but that to decorate fish heads on sprays to be less popular.
菅宮 健
no.5, pp.3-14, 2000-09-30

It has been a long-established tradition to scatter soybeans in the bean-scattering ceremony on setsubun, the eve of the beginning of spring. However, recently in Hokkaido district, people use peanuts instead of soybeans in this ceremony. In order to investigate changes of manners and customs followed on setsubun, a survey was made throughout Japan by means of questionnaires. All of respondents in Hokkaido and about 80% in Tohoku district were shown to scatter peanuts. In other districts many respondents used soybeans and those who chose peanuts were minor. A change from soybeans to peanuts was estimated to occur earlier in Hokkaido than in Tohoku. Reasons of this change were discussed in connection with the characteristic style of indoor living in Hokkaido. A new trend was found to spread from Kinki to neighboring districts. On setsubun, many people there eat in silence futomaki whole, big vinegared rice rolled in dried laver, looking toward a lucky direction of the year and praying for good luck. The custom to eat as many beans as one's age on this day was shown to prevail throughout the country, but that to decorate fish heads on sprays to be less popular.