菅谷公男 能登 宏光 森 久 原田 忠 土田 正義
日泌会誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.78, pp.1168-1174, 1987
5 1

Urological diseases in 159 cases of the severely mental and physical handicapped, aged 3 to 50 years, were studied. Urinalysis and ultrasonography were used as the screening examination. Pyuria was recognized in 91 cases (57.2 percent), and the high incidence of pyuria were in females, especially nonmenstrual females, cases with serious motor disturbance and diapered ones. Organisms were isolated from 35 cases (38.5 percent). On the imaging diagnoses, there were 49 urological diseases in 40 cases (25.2 percent), that is, 10 renal stones, 6 renal cysts, 6 hydronephroses or hydroureter, 17 bladder transformations or bladder neck opening, etc. In addition to the past history during the last year, there were 24 urolithiases (15.1 percent), that is, 13 spontaneous voiding of stones, 10 renal stones and one bladder stone. In the study of cases with urolithiases, the more serious the motor disturbance was, the higher the incidence of stone formation and the less the incidence of spontaneous voiding of stones. Ultrasonography was very useful in this study because many unexpected urological diseases were diagnosed by means of it.