萬谷 惇 中川 誠司 小谷 賢太郎 堀井 健
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.114-120, 2007 (Released:2008-06-05)

Although several studies have reported that the rise-time of sound stimulus affects on auditory evoked magnetic fields, effects of each parameter which vary in connection with rise-time—whole energy, rising-speed (dL/dt), spectrum—have not been clarified. In this study, N1m amplitudes and latencies were examined using noise-bursts with varying rise-time and constant energy or rising-speed. The results showed that N1m increased in amplitude and decreased in latency as rise-time increased (i.e, energy increased) under the rising-speed-constant condition. In contrast, N1m amplitudes and latencies did not vary significantly as rise-time increased (i.e., rising-speed decreased) under the energy-constant condition. These results indicate that sound energy has greater effects on N1m amplitude and latency than rising-speed.