蟹江 恵
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.28, no.2, pp.13-25, 2019 (Released:2023-07-07)

Black tea consumption in Japan has almost doubled since introduction of RTD (Ready-To-Drink) tea or bottled (iced) tea approximately 30 years ago. This paper illuminates the commodity-based food system for black tea, through analysis of its five “sub-structures”: competition structure, consumption structure, corporate structure and business combination (mergers and acquisitions) structure, with chain structure at its centre. The paper reports on a case study of tea from Sri Lanka and consumed in Japan, as Sri Lanka accounts for over half of black tea imports to Japan. Japan's increased consumption of black tea is mostly directed a function of RTD production, where the tea price as an ingredient of the RTD is proposed by the manufacturers calculated from the price of the final product. As prices of black tea as packaged final products have long been determined by tea packers, this indicates that these drink manufacturers have replaced tea packers as price leaders, and emerged as a new actor in the chain structure of the food system with a strong influence on price formulation for over half of black tea consumed in Japan. With Japan's significant proportion of black tea consumption as RTD, Japan imports bulk tea at a higher rate than other importing countries. This suggests that Japan's propensity for bulk tea for RTD consumption contributes less to recent value-adding efforts to tea exports for tea-exporting countries; i.e., exporting black tea in the form of final products or partially finished goods by processing them within tea-growing countries.