小林 富雄
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.24, no.4, pp.46-51, 2016-03-31 (Released:2018-03-31)

This study focused on the problem of food leftover waste. A case study of a South Korean institution was undertaken from the point of view of the food waste reduction capability together with public hygiene and culinary culture. It was shown that South Korean meter-rate based charging system and recycling system are politically unified by the framework of Comprehensive Countermeasures of Food Waste Reduction Institution. Further, it is clear that a positive effect was brought about in the management not only in public recycle facilities but also in private facilities.Moreover, it was shown that the checks and publicity by the NPO organizing the “MATTABI CAMPAIGN” (to eat food thankfully) were also a success factor in this management. South Korea's experience has shown that institutions can promote the integration at a national level by implication.
チャン ミン ハイ 岩元 泉
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.23, no.2, pp.31-39, 2014-09-30

玉 真之介
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.1, no.1, pp.1-10, 1992

The aim of this paper is to reconsider the concept of "modern estate ownership" and to suggest a new approach of the farm land problem by dividing farm land into land systems and tenant systems. In the past, land problems were viewed in terms of the relationship between landowner and tenant farmer. The establishment of tenant rights, in particular, was considered one of the main elements of "modern estate ownership." The farm Land problem in Japan, therefore, has been seen as an incomplete modernization of estate ownership. However, this thinking has overlooked the fact that private land ownership was established after the Meiji Restoration and that Japanese capitalism was generally developed under the regime of private ownership. Moreover, this thinking has also ignored the difference between the many small land owners in Japan and the large holdings of aristocratic landlords in Britain. Thus, we should deal with farm land problems as one part of a land system that was already established in particular historical context and also as a part of a tenant system in which the relationship between land owner and tenant farmer rested on commercial base. In that sense, we must recognize that land systems in different countries are affected by different natural conditions. We must also pay more attention to the situation of both landowners and tenants under the circumstance where capitalistic accumulation in the manufacturing sector affected peasant agriculture.
吉岡 徹 冨田 敬二 内藤 重之 藤田 武弘
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.11, no.2, pp.133-138, 2002-12-31

These days, reforming the old external-dependent development by making a "regional industrial complex" is being proposed as a concept which uses regional resources rationally. In this regard, "regional industrial complex" agriculture takes a very important position, and the role of the agricultural cooperative is large. Many agricultural cooperatives are actually tackling the processing business and positioning of the agricultural cooperatives in local agriculture is also high. In Tanabe City, the case area of this paper, not only production industries, but also processing industries and distribution industries exist in the area which focuse on plums as a key industry. Moreover, plum-related tourist attractions, such as plum forests, are found and form a "regional industrial complex". In this area, the Kinan agricultural cooperative plays important roles in promotion of production, contribution to bearer reservation, distribution, processing and sale of plums. Specially, having the processing section on the inside, the agricultural cooperative sell the plums as a processor. So it has functions of adjusting supply and demand of plums and keeping the level of its price for farms. In the processing business, it contributes to make employment in this area in employing staffs and part-time workers. Thinking about the future, keeping the "regional industrial complex" will be difficult by increasing import plums and so on. So, it is required that agricultural cooperative shows the initiative in making places for adjusting interests and exchanging news and tackling to improve the quality of plums.
宋 暁凱 神田 健策
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.17, no.1, pp.1-11, 2008-06-30

This paper clarifies understanding of wholesale markets established at source areas through a case study of apple growers in Shan Dong Province, China. The results of fieldwork investigations are as follow. Although the establishment of source-area wholesale markets has contributed to development of effective apple marketing, problems still exist. As the market information function is not yet fully effective, prices determined by supply and demand are not available to dealers. In this case, control by dishonest agents means that transactions are often unfair and markets are not trusted. For part-time apple growers who live near markets, transactions at source wholesale markets can increase their income. However, growers who live far from markets have to deal directly with tradesmen and pay to have their apples stocked. Furthermore, for growers who also sell at consumer wholesale markets, better profits are achieved if they form themselves into a single cooperative group and sell cooperatively. The paper concludes that it cannot be said that source-area wholesale market transaction has brought apple growers the best profits. It is likely that a rational approach in which growers organize themselves will lead to further development of apple production sources while also ensuring an increasing income for growers.
小賀坂 行也
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.22, no.3, pp.5-14, 2013-12-31

In the affected areas by the disaster, resumption of farming is in full swing despite facing many difficulties. Against such a background, this paper discusses the changes of food supply and the transaction structure in the affected areas of Miyagi prefecture. Specifically, with an understanding of the situation regarding food supply in JA farmers market after the 3.11 earthquake, the paper proposes countermeasures for future disasters. In particular, by focusing on the changes in the supply and demand structure and the transaction structure of rice and strawberries as typical agricultural products of Miyagi prefecture, the research identifies the challenges that affected areas are facing. Analysis of statistical data along with a hearing survey of relevant organizations showed the following results. It is necessary for JA to make use of the advantages as an agricultural cooperative and to strengthen the food supply by focusing on local agricultural products and simple processed goods. Changes in the transaction structure of the affected areas clarified that resilience, degree of structural change and future issues are dependent on the nature of the agricultural products. For example, supply and demand structure of rice experienced no large changes before and after the earthquake necessitating compensation, but changes in structure of the wholesale market may occur as new companies enter the market in the future. In contrast to rice, strawberry production appears to require more time to recover. To restore the lost market share, not only recovering the production but consideration of the needs of contemporary consumers and changing breeds is required.
丁 安平 小野 雅之
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.11, no.2, pp.139-144, 2002-12-31

蟹江 恵
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.28, no.2, pp.13-25, 2019 (Released:2023-07-07)

Black tea consumption in Japan has almost doubled since introduction of RTD (Ready-To-Drink) tea or bottled (iced) tea approximately 30 years ago. This paper illuminates the commodity-based food system for black tea, through analysis of its five “sub-structures”: competition structure, consumption structure, corporate structure and business combination (mergers and acquisitions) structure, with chain structure at its centre. The paper reports on a case study of tea from Sri Lanka and consumed in Japan, as Sri Lanka accounts for over half of black tea imports to Japan. Japan's increased consumption of black tea is mostly directed a function of RTD production, where the tea price as an ingredient of the RTD is proposed by the manufacturers calculated from the price of the final product. As prices of black tea as packaged final products have long been determined by tea packers, this indicates that these drink manufacturers have replaced tea packers as price leaders, and emerged as a new actor in the chain structure of the food system with a strong influence on price formulation for over half of black tea consumed in Japan. With Japan's significant proportion of black tea consumption as RTD, Japan imports bulk tea at a higher rate than other importing countries. This suggests that Japan's propensity for bulk tea for RTD consumption contributes less to recent value-adding efforts to tea exports for tea-exporting countries; i.e., exporting black tea in the form of final products or partially finished goods by processing them within tea-growing countries.
林 芙俊
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.26, no.3, pp.54-65, 2017 (Released:2022-12-09)

This paper clarifies the reason that distribution of sake-brewing rice through networks outside of sake brewers associations is increasing. For this purpose, the cases of such direct contract between farmer and sake brewery in Akita were investigated. Such direct deals have the benefit of being able to provide increased rice sales with higher prices for farmers, and the sake brewery gain the advantage of being able to purchase high quality rice. Under such direct contracts, sake breweries try to maintain the quality of sake rice by overseeing the cultivation process. For farmers, it became clear that direct contracts have an additional merit in that they do not have to bear the risk of yield fluctuation.
盧 生奇 白武 義治
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.14, no.2, pp.33-44, 2005-12-31 (Released:2019-12-08)

The food industry is deemed an important economic sector in Japan. In the case of many remote areas, the food industry, in combination with primary industry activities, has been recognized as a major economic sector, leading regional economies in terms of creating job opportunities. Recently, however, due to the continuing overall economic slump, the food industry in Japan has been facing a sharp reduction in the number of companies and overall labor force. In addition, after joining the WTO in 1995, Japanese food companies have been thrown into severe business competitions in the international markets. Moreover, the LDC might compel the food industry to invest in environmental conservation efforts by 2007. The imo-shochu industry, a traditional Japanese food industry related closely to regional agriculture, stands as a leader in many regional economies, in both production as well as sales. As such, examining the major economic factors by which the imo-shochu industry has maintained such sustainable development is of value. Through use of endogenous development theory, this study empirically identified these factors through an examination of the imo-shochu industry of Kagoshima.
武田 美由紀 石田 章 横山 繁樹 佐藤 佳美
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.16, no.1, pp.90-95, 2007

The main objective of this paper is to clarify whether social capital has a positive effect on food nutrient intake or food security among homeless people. The statistical analysis, based on the individual data obtained from our interview survey conducted in Kita-Kyushu, clearly suggests that the effects of social capital are different by resident status.
東山 寛
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.21, no.4, pp.3-8, 2013

日本のTPP交渉「参加」をめぐる動向は、APEC首脳会合に先立つ2011年11月11日におこなわれた野田首相会見で大きな節目を迎えた。このなかで「TPP交渉参加に向けた関係国との協議に入る」ことが述べられた。わかりにくい表現であるが、「参加協議入り」と称される。米国はこれを承けて12月7日に国内ステークホルダー向けのパブリック・コメントを実施したが(連邦官報公示)、そのタイトルは「Japan's expression of interest in the proposed TPP trade agreement」であり、「関心表明」と受け止められている。「参加協議入り」は正式な「参加表明」ではない。このことをまず最初に銘記しておきたい。これに伴い、TPP交渉参加国(当時9ヶ国)との「事前協議」が開始されることとなった。首相会見で述べられたことは、次の3点である。事前協議を通じて、(1)「各国が我が国に求めるものについて更なる情報収集に努め」ること、(2)「十分な国民的議論を経」ること、その上で、(3)「国益の視点に立って、TPPについての結論を得ていく」とした。以下では、この事前協議をめぐる問題に焦点を絞って検討する。後述するが、日本と同時に「関心表明」をおこなったカナダとメキシコは、2012年6月に正式参加が認められた。その参加プロセスを通じて明らかになった事実関係にも触発されて、本報告はTPPを「米国の対日要求」という視点から考えることとしたい。
ティラカラタネ ラール 今井 健 荒井 聡 ティラカラタネ エランガ
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.9, no.1, pp.34-45, 2000

嘎納斯 櫻井 清一
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.23, no.1, pp.51-58, 2014

細川 允史
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.5, no.2, pp.1-12, 1997

菊地 昌弥
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.17, no.2, pp.67-73, 2008

This research analyzes the function of voluntary chain headquarters in the lunch service industry through a fact-finding survey of one company treated as a case study. The company is one of the biggest companies operating as a voluntary chain of lunch service. The remarkable points regarding the function of a voluntary chain headquarter are the creation of the menu and the compartmentalization of the market. These functions play an important role in the survival of small and medium-sized affiliated enterprises while the market of fast-food chain industries has already reached in period of maturity and increased competition. Therefore there is a certain degree of merit when small and medium-sized lunch service enterprise characterized by financial difficulty become a member of a voluntary chain. On the other hand, enforcement by the headquarters is not so strong such that cost-reduction by bulk buying, which is a strength of regular chain or franchise chain, can not be achieved. In order for voluntary chain to exist as a survival tactic of medium-sized enterprises and form a robust organization, it is imperative that this problem is solved.
杉村 泰彦 小糸 健太郎
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.22, no.4, pp.23-33, 2014-03-31 (Released:2020-06-22)

This paper analyzes the reality of food waste in the Taipei first wholesale market. In a case study approach, this research identified the amount of food waste, the structure that produces the waste, and issues related to food recycling. The conclusions are as follows. The market 23.4 tons of food waste per day in 2011. The contributing causes to this food waste were weather influences, food packing practices and unsold food. As the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation recycles all the garbage produced in the wholesale market, it is difficult to separate the food waste in the garbage for food recycling. Moreover, the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation has a garbage separation system through price incentives for cleaning contractors.
桝潟 俊子
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.2, no.2, pp.1-11, 1994-03-31

Taking the development of organic agriculture in Japan, the USA and European countries into consideration, I focused on the marketing system of organic agricultural products of today and its problems, mainly on labelling and standards. Most of the standards in Japan are being influenced by market-oriented traders, producers and local governments. Theses standards aim at the distinction of products just after the amount of chemical use like pesticides. Furthermore, compared to those of the USA and European countries, the Japanese standards and even the guidelines made by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have serious problems; they have definitions too ambigous in the whole. To adapt to the widespread market of organic agricultural products, the USA and European countries introduced a legislation of unified standards on the US and EC levels. In the process of the unification, it harmonized the level of standards but this brought new problems; the failure of the principle of organic agriculture and the relaxation of regulation for chemical use against diseases and insects. While production and supply of organic agricultural products have increased and the relationship between producers and consumers become more indirect in the expanding and borderless market, the premium of organic agricultural products is set lower than before and fake products are brought to the market. It is a common issue in Japan and the western countries how to create an appropriate distribution system to promote and expand organic agriculture. From this viewpoint, a community supported agriculture (CSA), a distribution system very similar to the "teikei" system in Japan, has come to call attention now. There are also various kinds of ways and challenges for "alternative marketing" as local market, farmers market, direct purchase and others. It indicates the future direction to the marketing system of organic agricultural products.
石崎 和之 大島 一二
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.13, no.2, pp.103-106, 2004-12-31 (Released:2019-03-30)

Increasing problems concerning pesticide residue have emerged. In a similar trend, problems concerning the detection of unauthorized additives has emerged. The importation of plums exemplifies such problems. This paper clarifies aspects of the raw procurement and quality control systems of a Chinese enterprise, T company. T company uses a broker mediation system where the broker both manages procurement and is the farmer of the plum trees. The plum tree processing of T company is not a system that can accommodate the manufacturing process. If a problem occurs, the cause of that problem is not ascertained, increasing the difficulty of solving the problem. Moreover, product quality is not inspected up to the stage where the product is exported, therefore the discovery of problems is difficult at early stages.