前田 道明 水口 康雄 高橋 宏 室橋 豊穂 大田原 幸人 谷山 勢之輔 柚木 角正 西園 実 宮崎 武人 土屋 高夫 MATSUMOTO Mitsuyuki 高井 鐐二 塩沢 活
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.38, no.12, pp.524-529, 1963

Bacteriological examination was made on all cases, to whom radiography was indicated according to the results of miniature X-ray findings and tuberculin reaction in the tuberculosis mass surveys carried out in Okierabu-island (1961) and Setouchi-town (1962).<BR>The majority of the specimens examined was laryngeal swab and a few cases was examined by sputum. These specimens were kept in an icebox and each specimen was cultured on three slants of 1% Ogawa's egg media after pretreatment with 4% NaOH on the same day. Then, the slants were kept in an incubator at 37°C and observed for 8weeks.<BR>All of the acid-fast bacilli were investigated on their biological characteristics. Drug resistance was tested by the indirect test method on the strains which were identified as human type tubercle bacilli.