調所 広之 岡本 途也
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.17, no.4, pp.491-493,430, 1974-08-15 (Released:2011-08-10)

The Foley balloon catheter is used for continuous evacuation of urine, yet this catheter has been found useful in various procedures in otolaryngology.The authors described the following 3 different uses of the catheter;1. For postnasal packing to control nasal bleeding:The catheter is introduced through the nasal passage, on the side where bleeding occurs, then the balloon is inflated when the end reaches the nasopharynx. Nasal bleeding can be controlled by packing against the inflated balloon without causing much discomfort to patients.2. To control postoperative bleeding from the maxillary sinus:The catheter is introduced into the maxillary sinus through the nasoantral window, then the balloon is inflated to compress the bleeding points within the sinus.3. For fixation, from underneath, of fractured maxilla or orbit:After reduction of the fractured maxilla or orbit, the catheter is introduced through the constructed nasoantral window and the balloon is inflated by injecting urographin and methylene blue to sustain and immobilized the repositioned farctured segments of the bones.