澤田 政道 岡本 途也 真鍋 敏毅 井上 鉄三
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.26, no.5, pp.589-598, 1983-10-15 (Released:2011-08-10)

Hearing acuity of 103 tank crews of the Self Defence Forces in the Fuji Educational Division were measured by pure tone audiometry and Békésy audiometry fixed frequency tracing at 4000 Hz. The crews were asked by questionnaire if they had any otologic symptoms, eg. tinnitus, stuffy feeling, autophonia, and hearing difficulty.All examinees were male and their age distribution was between 19 to 49 years. All of them have been exposed to tank-machine noise at the level of 80-95 dBSPL (C), and bombardment sounds 500 times a year at the peak level of 150 dBSPL (C) since they enlisted at 18 years of age.Stuffy feeing was reported by 8.2%, of them, autophonia by 8.2%, continuous tinnitus by 38.5% and 44.9% complained of being hard of hearing c5 dip of more than 30 dB was seen in 26 subjects and a sharp decline of more than 40 dB at 8000 Hz appeared in 17 ears of 12 subjects.A combination of c5 dip in one ear and sharp decline on the other was seen in 2 subjects.After subtracting the level of the aging component of hearing loss, the percentage of occurrence of hearing loss at 4000 Hz became extremely high when their employment period exceeded five years. In spite of their marked hearing loss at 4000 Hz, the fluctuation in continuous traceing in Békésy audiometry narrowed only in a few examinees.
斉田 晴仁 岡本 途也 今泉 敏 廣瀬 肇
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.93, no.4, pp.596-605, 1990-04-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
2 4

Past studies on the relationship between mutational voice change and body growth were generally made on grouped subjects and no exact longitudinal observation was performed. In the present report, a longitudinal study was made on 100 young male students in their puberty, in which voice recordings and measurements of physical parameters including body height and weight were performed twice for each subject with yearly interval. Information on subjective evaluation of voice abnormality was also obtained from each subject. The recorded voice samples were subjected to subsequent analysis for obtaining fundamental frequency (F0) and formant values. The following results were obtained.1. A negative correlation in the rate of change was observed between F0 and physical parameters such as body height and weight, and sitting height.2. It was suggested that the mutational period consisted of the rapid and slow phases. The rate of growth in body height and sitting height was more significant in the rapid phase. 3. Subjective voice abnormality and physical growths such as the development of the laryngeal prominence were often noted even before the rapid phase. After the rapid phase was over, all the cases showed secondary sexual characteristics including the laryngeal prominence.4. Before and during the rapid phase, there was a tendency for the values of F1 and F2 to increase, while that of F3 to decrease. After the rapid phases was over, there was a trend that F1 and F2 increased, while F3 remained unchanged.
調所 広之 岡本 途也
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.17, no.4, pp.491-493,430, 1974-08-15 (Released:2011-08-10)

The Foley balloon catheter is used for continuous evacuation of urine, yet this catheter has been found useful in various procedures in otolaryngology.The authors described the following 3 different uses of the catheter;1. For postnasal packing to control nasal bleeding:The catheter is introduced through the nasal passage, on the side where bleeding occurs, then the balloon is inflated when the end reaches the nasopharynx. Nasal bleeding can be controlled by packing against the inflated balloon without causing much discomfort to patients.2. To control postoperative bleeding from the maxillary sinus:The catheter is introduced into the maxillary sinus through the nasoantral window, then the balloon is inflated to compress the bleeding points within the sinus.3. For fixation, from underneath, of fractured maxilla or orbit:After reduction of the fractured maxilla or orbit, the catheter is introduced through the constructed nasoantral window and the balloon is inflated by injecting urographin and methylene blue to sustain and immobilized the repositioned farctured segments of the bones.
本田 仁昭 赤坂 謙 神山 五郎 岡本 途也 永田 三郎
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.18, no.1, pp.1-5, 1977

A portable electromotive Kana-typewriter was developed as a communication method for dysarthric patients. As the size of this machine is 215×90×30mm, it is easy to carry in the pocket or bag. This machine has 50 keys (Kana-letters) with a thermal print system. Using this typewriter, the dysarthric patients who had almost no speech output and showed only a gesture of“yes”or“no”reaction, could express their ideas correctly and communicate actively with other people. It was believed that the device was very helpful for the dysarthric patients. But the effectiveness of this machine was greatly dependent on their intelligences, vocations and their motivations and so on. Other technical problems are the sharpness of the printed letters and the size of the apparatus to be carried more conveniently. By improving these technical points, utility of this Kana-typewriter will be multiplied and it will be useful as an aid of communication for severe dysarthric patients.
片倉 光宏 吉田 登美男 岡本 途也
vol.12, no.1, pp.49-55, 1969 (Released:2010-04-30)

In order to find out the most suitable sound quality and sound volume for the hard-of-hearing people with nerve impairment, we investigated the relation of frequency pattern and sound level to articulation score and comfortableness.The frequency pattern was one that compensated for a patient's individual hearing loss by “mirroring” his audicgram, and flat one.The results were as follows.1) The maximum syllable articulation scores were more than 60% for almost all subjects even if the hearing loss was at the range of 60-80dB.2) The “mirroring” was especially succesful for the subjects with the maximum articulation scores at the range of 40-80% (in the flat frequency pattern).3) For the subjects with hearing loss less than 40 dB, the most comfortable level was nearly equal to the sound level which gave the maximum articulation score. On the other hand, for the subjects with hearing loss more than 40dB, the sound level which gave the maximum articulation score was higher than the most comfortable level, occasionally it reached uncomfortable level (in the flat frequency pattern).4) The difference between the most comfortable level, uncomfortable level in binaural listening and those in monaural listening was about 6 to 7 dB.
久住 武 久住 真理 羽賀 隆之 渡辺 尚彦 三辺 武幸 浅賀 英世 岡本 途也
社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.43, no.1, pp.7-13, 1993-03-01 (Released:2011-05-30)

【目的】頭痛は「健康成人の約75%が経験したことがある」とする報告にみられるように, 鍼灸臨床の場においてもよく経験する症状である。頭痛に対する鍼灸治療の効果は, 既に多くの報告がある。しかし, 鍼刺激を検査目的で用いた報告は少ない。我々は, 過去15年来, 耳鳴りや頭痛に対して鍼刺激を検査目的に用い, その意義について検討してきた。今回, 耳鼻咽喉科から検査目的で紹介された痛み患者に対し, 痛みが鍼刺激で再現できた例について検討したので報告する。【対象及び方法】昭和57年4月から平成2年10月までの間に, 痛みを主訴として昭和大学病院耳鼻咽喉科から同院東洋医学診療室に依頼されたもののうち, 顔面の痛みを訴えるものを対象とし, 耳鼻科的, 眼科的検査にて異常を認めないことを条件とした。刺鍼はステンレス鍼 (50mm 20号鍼) を用いて, 大後頭神経ブロック点に刺入し, 刺鍼時の痛みとひびき感の関係を観察した。【結果】1) 大後頭神経ブロック点への刺鍼で, 眼の奥や内眼角部にひびき感が生じることを再度確認した。2) 三叉神経痛や原因不明の眼痛として治療されてきた患者の中に, 鍼のひびき感が (1) 痛みの性質と似ている, (2) 部位が一致, (3) 鍼の操作に同期して痛みが再現できるなど, 痛み症状と一致する例がいた。3) 痛みを鍼刺激で再現できた例は, 鍼治療の有効率も高かった。【まとめ】大後頭神経ブロック点への刺鍼は, 眼の奥にひびき感を生じ, この感覚を検査目的として応用することによって, 診断が可能になった例を認めた。このことから, 本法による鍼刺激は痛みの診察に際して, 結果2) (1)~(3) と,結果3) の治療的に意味があることから, 治療手段としても, 観察検査法の1つとしても有用であると考える。
渡辺 尚彦 根岸 正之 永井 大介 調所 廣之 岡本 途也
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.30, no.5Supplement3, pp.993-999, 1984-11-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

Experiments were made of how normal persons express pure tone, band noise (B. N.), and white noise (W. N.), by vowel sounds and the results were compared with those obtained from patients with tinnitus. Low tone was often expressed by the vowels of u and o, and middle and high tones were by the vowel of i in healthy persons. No great difference was made by using selected words. B. N. was expressed in a quite different way from that in pure tone. Patients with sensori-neural hearing loss gave different expression from that given by normal persons. However, their vowel expression tended to be similar to that of the others. The results, the way of expression by normal persons were used for anamnesis of tinnitus patients. Conductive tinnitus occurred particularly around the sounds, u, go, and 136, and the pitch was all less than 500 Hz. In mixed tinnitus, there was considerable variation, probably depending upon how conductive and sensorineural elements participate in. Sensori-neural tinnitus was found in a whole pitch range, and mostly expressed as the sounds of i series. The patients rarely complained of tinnitus of B. N.-like sound. There was found no specificity to pitch nor to disease in tinnitus.
鈴木 悟 藤森 師雄 岡本 途也 木村 通彦
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.41, no.1, pp.77-80, 1981-02-28 (Released:2010-09-09)

突発性難聴の診断は比較的容易であるが, 我々は突発性難聴と診断し治療を行った後に, 心因性難聴に気付いた2症例を経験したので報告する.症例 (1) は23歳女性, 症例 (2) は17歳女性である.症例 (1) は左耳難聴, 症例 (2) は両耳難聴を訴えて当科を受診した.共に突然発症しており, 難聴耳は両例共ろうの状態であった.突発性難聴と診断し, 直ちに治療を開始したが, 両例とも特異な経過をたどって治癒した.