豊田 和明 荒木 博孝
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.33, no.5, pp.719-723, 1987-05

1)尿道炎症状を主訴として外来受診した160名の男性患者およびその性的パートナー22名に対して,抗クラミジアモノクローナル抗体を用いた直接鏡検法により,クラミジア感染症の細胞学的検索を行い,53名33%の男性患者,13名59%の女性患者にPAP陽性を認めた.2) ELISA法による血清抗体測定では,PAP陽性29例中8例26%に抗体価陰性を,PAP陰性44例中7例15%に抗体価陽性を認めた.3)淋菌性および非淋菌性尿道炎のクラミジア感染の割合は,前者が36例中11例31%,後者が63例中29例46%であった.4) Minocycline 0.2 g/日またはdoxycycline 0.2 g/日によるクラミジア治療により,35例中23例66%にPAP法によるクラミジア抗原の陰性化を認めた.また平均投薬日数は50日であったThe PAP-immunocytochemistry using a monoclonal antibody against Chlamydia trachomatis was applied to male patients with clinically manifest urethritis and their female sex partners. In addition, serum levels of the antibody were determined by means of an ELISA system. Immunoperoxidase reactions were recognized on urethral scrapes in 53 (33%) out of 160 cases, and on endocervical specimens in 13 (59%) out of 22 sex partners of PAP-positive patients. In patients with gonococcal urethritis, an infection of C. trachomatis was revealed immunocytochemically in 11 (31%) out of 36 cases, and in 29 (46%) out of 62 cases with non-gonococcal urethritis. Following medication with 200 mg of minocycline or doxycycline per day, PAP staining became negative in 23 (66%) out of 35 cases. The levels of serum antibody against C. trachomatis were undetectable in 8 (26%) out of 29 PAP-positive cases, but positive in 7 (15%) out of 44 PAP-negative cases.