鶴田 五八男 吉原 和美 辰巳 正太郎
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
トンネル工学研究発表会論文・報告集 (ISSN:18849091)
vol.4, pp.383-388, 1994-11-16 (Released:2011-06-27)

Takagawa Tunnel is is port of Yamanasi Maglev Test Line. The length of this tunnel is approximately 3, 960m.KOFU side of this tunnel has characteristics that tunnel over-burden is approximately 5m to 20m and ground conditions consist of loose soil.This document is being described regarding KOFU side of This Tunnel, where this is the smollest tunnel over-burden of This Tunnel and this location was curried out Protection Work for the Building By Vertical Anchor Method.