込田 健夫
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.6, pp.46-62, 1962-06-25 (Released:2009-09-04)

The unification of the two-fold teleology to be found in Herbart's teaching on personality cultivation has traditionally been sought within the “microcosmos” with the help of his symbolic psychology. Consequently, his educational theory has invited criticism as being subjective and individualistic. However, if we consider the matter from Herbart's own fundamental point of view-that an end is what it is stipulated to be by ethics-it is necessary for us to consider his two-fold teleology within the field of ethics. Man's plurality of interests expressive of possible ends is in the practical world an educational means, but, in addition to this, as bolstered by the notion of perfection in the first place and then by that of educational organization, it eventually acquires ethical and social meaning. In this way, the confrontation of two seemingly opposed ends is seen to be without meaning.If we carry this analysis a step further, we see that educational organization becomes the actual point of fusion for all ideals and that it is the first condition for the ideal realization of political life. If we take Herbart's thought in an abstract sense, then the relation between politics and education is that of ends and means, but taken in a more restricted sense, politics and education are seen to work in complementarity for the endless expansion of the morality of the people.