5 0 0 0 OA 運搬

矢野 寿文 渡辺 千典 紫雲 千鶴雄 赤祖父 辰夫 鳥栖 四郎 佐藤 俊一 佐藤 久 寺田 義久 末広 正己 倉山 俊 村尾 尚彦 岩沢 栄 河口 琢逸 岸 功 須賀 清勝 川内野 隆 渡部 稔 立山 正 久保 藤雄 武安 義勝 木村 伊和夫 安永 哲雄 野見山 栄 野上 辰之助
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.74, no.843, pp.669-714, 1958-09-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

One of the essential problems of the Japanese coal mining industry is how to elevate its productivity. This is why we have been exerting ourselves to proceed concentration of working places.places. It goes without saying that the most important way to concentrate working places is to improve transportation services.This report was intended to show recent development of transportation equipment in and out of Japnanese coal mines. It will also give a forcast what type of development in future.All the transportation equipment which are refferrel to in this report show the top level techniques of this country.As a whole, it may be said that the Japanese transportation devices have been taking and will eakea straight way toward larger scale and automation running.

1 0 0 0 OA 採炭

伊木 正二 服部 三郎 田島 一幸 神野 哲一 広部 亮一郎 肥田野 親男 安達 六郎 神谷 国輝 平塚 欣蔵 宮崎 義一 紫雲 千鶴雄 大渡 介一郎 石本 強 小島 鴻次郎 佐藤 喜輔 野上 辰之助 山口 哲二 久保 正明 原 俊郎 白水 護 稲永 守 永江 光夫 徳原 光信 御厨 美年 坪田 督之助 斎藤 義博 渡辺 尚三
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.74, no.843, pp.585-640, 1958-09-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

As in about ten years the new mining machines and technics were imported, the mining method in Japan were changed remarkably.Natural condition of coal seam in Japan (1956)Working depth (Average) 334.7m(Maximum) 836mAverage thickness of seam 1.71mAverage thickness of coal 1.31mOutput from coal face 48.281Mill. t.About 65% of output is worked by longwall method. About 36% of output is gotten by blasting, and 36% by coal picks in coal face, but coal cutters are used pretly well. Hobels are used in Emukae, Takashima, Kogayama and Mitsubishi-Bibai. 55% of output is conveyed Panzer conveyor at coal face.Hydraulic stowing is carried out at Onoura and pneumatic stowing is used at Yamano, Akabira and Sakito coal mines. Slicing method for thick seam is carried out at Hojo and Takashima coal mines.We must decrease the number of coal faces in one pit and increase the output per one coal face, and use the practical working time effectively.