鈴木 慶孝
法学政治学論究 : 法律・政治・社会 (ISSN:0916278X)
no.128, pp.1-31, 2021

一 はじめに二 トルコの政教関係・世俗主義三 宗教搾取 : 国家機関によるFETÖへの批判から四 宗務庁長官ならびに宗務庁組織によるFETÖへの見解 (一) 宗務庁によるFETÖ批判 (二) 宗務庁長官の見解五 宗務庁や関係省庁による対FETÖ戦略六 宗務庁による宗教心管理の困難さ七 国家権力と結びつく宗務庁 (一) 国家安全保障組織としての宗務庁 (二) 象徴的暴力としての宗務庁八 結語
鈴木 慶孝
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.78, pp.63-84, 2014

論文The Gülen movement led by Fethullah Gülen involve the most influential Islamic community in contemporary Turkey. The Gülen movement provides a unique example of a faith-based civil society initiative. Islamic movements have often been perceived as being a reaction against democracy or modernity, and the Gülen Movement challenges such mainstream ideas about Islamic movements.The Turkish state has been controlling and nationalizing Islam under the rule of a Diyanet attempting to construct a state version of Islam to the extent ofcriminalizing popular Islamic actors and unofficial interpretations of Islam in the public sphere. Fethullah Gülen and the Gülen movement assert that the practice of tolerance and love is much needed in contemporary Turkey and promote respect for multi-ethnic and religious minorities. In this respect, the Gülen Movement seems to make a significant contribution to the democratization and modernization of Turkey, and because of the movement's influence and democratic activities, it has managed to escape the state's religious regulation.However, the Gülen movement's democratic activities have certain dubious characteristics that are not necessarily conducive to social inclusion. In particular, they presuppose the existing Turkish nation-state and Turkish Muslim historical legacy. In other words, they are in some ways complicit with the authoritative state ideology. However, in contemporary Turkey, various minority groups who have been denied a dignified existence and identity are now demanding equal rights and recognition. Therefore, a new framework of nation-state becomes a controversial matter. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the democratic function of the Gülen community in the socio-political realm, and the movement's activities, which seem to paradoxically promote both tolerance and an exclusive ideology.