長野 慎一
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.57, pp.75-85, 2003

論文1. はじめに2. アイデンティティ・カテゴリーの外部と批判的非主体化3. 抵抗の戦略としてのメタファーによる再形象化4. 抵抗の戦略としてのパロディ5. おわりに
杜 新
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.52, pp.39-49, 2001

1. はじめに : 本論文の課題2. 明治期から第二次世界大戦までの労働観研究3. 戦後から高度成長期以降の労働観研究3.1. 戦争直後 : 「諦観的な暗い勤労主義」の時代3.2. 高度成長期まで : 会社中心労働観の完成3.3. 高度成長期以降 : 新しい世代の新しい労働観4. 問題点と今後の課題論文
後藤 一樹
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.78, pp.109-137, 2014

This study examines amateur film, filmmaking, and equipment from the 1920s to the 1930s in Japan, focusing on the spread of Pathé Baby film system and 16mm film. In addition, the study analyses the social practices of amateurs from the perspectives of private life and publicness.論文
寺前 典子
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.74, pp.19-32, 2012

論文Classical music, which is western ethnic music from one among several periods in the history of music, has had a greater impact than other kinds of music. According to Weber, one reasons for its impact is the rationalization of notation. Why has the West invented rationalized notation?This study examines Weber's studies of notation to investigate this issue, relating societal time consciousness to rationalizations of notation on the basis of Schutz and Husserl's theories.According to Schutz, people connect with others through a "mutual tuning-in relationship" that underpins all communication to form not only face-to-face relationships but also quasi-simultaneity that is separated by hundreds of years via music. First, this study analyzes the notation of Japanese traditional music in terms of quasi-simultaneity. Further, it describes the process of development of societal time consciousness in the West—from the Roman to the Gregorian calendar and Greenwich Mean Time—and western music's process for rationalization of notation—from neumatic to modern notations. The study finds a parallel relationship between both processes, which are eventually connected by the invention of the metronome. Maki asserted that activities in modern society must be controlled by "universal time," which in western music means the note that represents abstract time and the beat of modern notation. Husserl philosophically analyzed processes of consciousness in inner time expressed in his time chart. This study also analyzes people's processes of consciousness in a musical environment by collectively using a time chart and notation and identifies the distinctions as well as limitations of universal time. Elias took a contrary position and noted that humankind develops ideas through experience and learning. This study demonstrates that philosophical approaches are effective in sociologically explaining time.These analyses explain why rationalized notation has been invented in the West. Such notation satisfied the societal demand of connecting people in quasi-simultaneity by abstracting time, as it represents the process of developing societal time consciousness.
寺前 典子
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.70, pp.73-90, 2010

論文Music has been thriving to be the site of an endless competition between two aspects of human beings; a rational (mechanical) aspect and an aspect that cannot be determined by rationality (sensible). In Max Weber's The Sociology of Music: The Rational and Social Foundations of Music, he contrasts rationalizations of many kinds of ethnic, ancient, and modern music to western classical music, concerning what had brought modern western classical music to fruition. Weber concludes that the piano is a successful form of a rationalization of keyboards in western classical music.This study is concerned with the rationalizations of instruments and temperaments through two contrasting aspects; a rational aspect would be a mechanical aspect, while an aspect which cannot be determined by rationality would be a "human sense." Most musical instruments that are used in western classical music have experienced structural rationalizations such as that of the piano. In terms of the construction of the instruments, the flute in particular has been employing the equal temperament and has changed a scientific instrument that is prior to a mechanical aspect just like the piano. On the other hand, in terms of performance, the flute has kept its pure intonation that is based on the "human sense," contrasting to the piano whose tones have deteriorated because of rationalization. Consequently, this paper would find that musical rationalizations are processes of changing rationality to an aspect of "human sense" and a mechanical aspect of things. The more modern a musical rationalization is, the less rational its "human sense" becomes.
寺前 典子
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.72, pp.157-160, 2011

阪井 裕一郎
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.81, pp.109-117, 2016

書評1. はじめに2. 論点 2-1. 論点① 「複数愛」とは何か 2-2. 論点② ポリアモリストにとって「所有」とは何か 2-3. 論点③ 愛という言葉について 2-4. 論点④ ポリアモリストになる契機 2-5. 論点⑤ ポリアモリストの属性について 2-6. 論点⑥ ポリアモリーの法制化をめぐって 2-7. 論点⑦ オープン・マリッジをめぐるジェンダー 2-8. 論点⑧ ポリアモリーを通じてモノガミー社会を問いなおす 2-9. 論点⑨ 親密関係における民主主義 2-10. 論点⑩ オープンな関係について3. おわりに
小田切 祐詞
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.76, pp.43-59, 2013

論文This paper examines the transition from critical sociology to the sociology of critique and its synthesis in contemporary French sociology according to two overall goals. First, to understand what has caused the increasing interest in its normativity after constructionist sociology, this paper focuses on Pierre Bourdieu's sociology as an example of constructionist sociology and explores it from the perspective of Luc Boltanski. According to Boltanski, Bourdieu's critical sociology devotes itself to unmasking and criticizing unequal structures and the power relations on which these structures are based, without explicitly constructing a normative basis to justify its critique. Such ambiguity regarding its normativity prevents critical sociology from contributing to its emancipation. In addition, this lack of emancipatory potential is considered as one of the factors that direct sociology after constructionism toward its normativity. Second, this paper discusses what attitude should be taken toward the tendency in which sociology after constructionism thematizes normativity. Boltanski's transition from the sociology of critique to the synthesis between critical sociology and the sociology of critique shows that normative sociology includes less critical potentialities than constructionist sociology. Based on the findings, this paper proposes that sociology should attempt to synthesize constructionism and normative sociology, which is in contrast to Manabu Akagawa, who believes in constructionist sociology, and Kazuo Seiyama, who completely abandons constructivist sociology and insists on the need for sociology as a normative inquiry into the community.
南 真紀子
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.65, pp.55-67, 2007

論文Almost the same time of the end of the Meiji Era, the two researchers, OTOTAKE Iwazo and SAKAKI Yasusaburo published their first papers on the gifted children individually. But they are very different in specialty, how to see the gifted children and how to see the problems about them. The purpose of this paper is to try to show how the gifted children themselves and the problems about them were seen and how the relation between the capability and education was seen by comparing their view of the gifted and the gifted education.
木村 豊
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.69, pp.15-33, 2010

論文1. はじめに : 東京空襲犠牲者・死者の「慰霊」と「追悼」のあいだで2. 東京空襲犠牲者・死者の氏名を記録する2.1 東京空襲犠牲者・死者の氏名を記録する市民運動の経緯(1) 市民運動の立ち上げまで(2) 「東京大空襲犠牲者氏名を記録する・墨田センター」の設立(3) 「東京空襲犠牲者氏名の記録を求める会」の設立(4) 東京都による氏名記録の着手と「東京空襲犠牲者遺族会」の結成2.2 二つの視点(1) 「体験者」/「遺族」という立場(2) 「せめて名前だけでも」3. 空襲の中の〈二人称の死〉3.1 死を見ること/認めること3.2 死が認められること : 戸籍の中の空襲犠牲者・死者3.3 〈二人称の死〉と「せめて名前だけでも」4. 空襲の中の〈三人称の死〉4.1 星野さんの東京大空襲体験(1) 東京大空襲当日(3月10日)の体験(2) 東京大空襲翌日(3月11日)の体験(3) 「遺体収容」の体験4.2 星野さんの東京大空襲体験の中の〈三人称の死〉4.3 〈三人称の死〉と「せめて名前だけでも」5. おわりに(1) 二つの立場(2) 「記憶の場」横網町公園(3) 残された課題
鳥越 信吾
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.79, pp.83-97, 2015

In this study, I aim to historically reconstruct the sociology of time from the perspective of how its authors have grasped time conception peculiar to modern society. Thus, the following two findings can be deduced ; first, the history of sociology of time can be described as the history of "two-step relativization" against the modern conception of time. In short, until the 1960s, theorists such as Émile Durkheim attempted to relativize modern time conception by revealing other temporalities. Since the 1970s, theorists such as Anthony Giddens and Eviatar Zerubavel have attempted to elucidate the conception itself. Second, I clarify that authors of the sociology of time have described the following three characteristics of modern time conception—measurability, abstractness, and linearity. Simultaneously, however, in considering these characteristics, sociology of time has lacked a theoretical framework. On the basis of implications from Barbara Adam, Warner Bergmann, and Hartmut Rosa's works, I consider this absence as the primary problem of sociology of time. Consequently, I introduce Yusuke Maki's four-quadrant schema, which can explain modern time conception's three characteristics through a single theoretical framework as a solution to the aforementioned problem.論文
柏原 勤
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.72, pp.89-107, 2011

論文This research examines the relationship between motives and frequency of Twitter use from theoretical framework of Uses and Gratifications. Twitter is an internet social service that makes it possible to send 140-charactaristics messages, called Tweets, to many and unspecific users or people, to read and receive Tweets of specific users which the individual chooses to follow in real-time (Tsuda, 2009). These past few years, Twitter has gained notability and popularity worldwide, especially in Japan.On the one hand, Twitter has many features similar to other internet services or applications, particulary SNS, but on the other hand shows the uniqueness of its architecture and the way of use such as live-reporting (jikkyou). It must be emphasized that Twitter visualizes the number, which means the number of other users by whom a user is followed and ReTweets (RTs). It anticipates that user's appraisal of this number may influence Twitter use because users can be gratified by increasing of it. Therefore, I apply user's appraisal of the number to framework of this research.Factor analysis of survey 314 Twitter users discovered the five types of motives for Twitter uses, communication/self-expression, keeping existing interpersonal relations, live-reporting (jikkyou)/information-seeking, self-presentation, relaxation. The motives for live-reporting (jikkyou)/information-seeking and self-presentation have not been identified in existing internet usage research based on Uses and Gratifications approach. Appraisal of the number is classified into two dimensions, gratification by the number and needs for the number by factor analysis. Four multiple regression model whose dependent variable is a variety of Twitter use, reading-TL, reading-except TL, Tweet, conversation found that communication/self-expression, keeping existing interpersonal relations, live-reporting (jikkyou)/information-seeking and relaxation positively predict the frequency of each Twitter use but self-presentation negatively predicts it. The reason why self-presentation shows negative effect on the frequency of Twitter use is presumed that this motive is difficult to achieve or diminishes as period of time of Twitter use is longer. However, neither gratification by the number nor needs for the number shows significant effect on the frequency of Twitter use. This result suggests that user's subjective and goal-oriented motives are more effective predictor than their appraisal of the number visualized in Twitter. This research is meaningful in terms of discovering live-reporting (jikkyou)/information-seeking as the motive and the way of internet use which were not conceptualized in previous internet studies.
渋谷 明子 萩原 滋
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.56, pp.1-19, 2003

I. はじめにII. 討論系バラエティー番組『ここがヘンだよ日本人」(TBS系)III. 研究の課題と方法IV. 結果V. 考察論文
織田 竜也
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.53, pp.79-87, 2001

1. はじめに2. 問題の所在3. 「統合形態」概念4. フランス社会学 : 「集合表象」概念との比較5. 全体的社会事実 : デュルケムからモースへ6. ハビトゥスを巡るメリーゴーラウンド : ブルデューにおける「構造」と「実践」7. 「統合形態」概念のポジション論文
阿南 透
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.26, pp.p23-32, 1986

論文1. はじめに2. 時代祭3. 名古屋まつり・郷土英傑行列4. 信玄公祭り・甲州軍団出陣5. まとめ
遠藤 克弥
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.27, pp.p77-86, 1987

論文はじめにI. 教会からの分離と「神なき大学」II. 公的援助・統制と大学の管理・運営III. 農本主義政策IV. 反フェデラリスト政策と共和主義の砦結語
安田 崇子
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.75, pp.1-13, 2013

論文This study examined the relationship factor of burnout and visiting stress among newly recruited care managers in home care.A questionnaire survey was conducted among 140 care managers. The results of hierarchal regression analysis revealed that occupational satisfaction (i.e., factors related to work environment/compensation/job content) and the human environment (i.e., factors related to a sense of workplace solidarity/satisfying work relationships) are important determinants of burnout and visiting stress.The work compensation factor of occupational satisfaction and a sense of solidarity/satisfaction factors of human environment showed an effect on burnout, and all the factors of occupational satisfaction and human environment showed an effect on visiting stress. This effect was further enhanced by the addition of human environment as a relevant factor.Overall, these results suggested that the effect factors concerning occupational satisfaction and human environment are important contributors to burnout and visiting stress; thus, confirming the findings of previous studies.
小澤 昌之
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.69, pp.35-49, 2010

論文1. 問題の所在2. 学校制服の着用意識の変化を巡る文化的背景2.1 学校における制服の役割(明治期~戦前まで)2.2 制服のブランド化現象とその現状(戦後~現在)2.3 分析枠組3. 調査概要とデータ3.1 調査の概要3.2 基本データの集計結果4. 分析結果4.1 制服の着用実態と高校時代の生活意識4.2 高校生の制服着用を規定する要因5. 考察と課題