近藤 律男 榎本 浩幸 田口 享秀 長原 太郎 佃 守
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.98, no.4, pp.309-313, 2005-04-01 (Released:2011-10-07)

Behçet's Disease is a systemic disease characterized by mucosa, dermis and eye lesions. Otolaryngologists sometimes examine patients of this disease who complain of inveterate aphthae. Patients with Behçet's Disease often have histories of tonsillitis and many caries of the tooth. Based on these facts, streptococcus in the oral cavity is suspected to be closely related to this disease.We report a case of Behçet's Disease whose first symptom was acute tonsillitis.A 33-year-old male complaining of sore throat and elevated fever was referred to our hospital. Oral aphthae was seen and the bilateral palatine tonsils were swollen, reddish and coated with fur. We diagnosed acute tonsillitis and treated him with antibiotics. However, elevated fever, inflammation and oral aphthae were not remitted and a pudendal ulcer appeared. We suspected Behçet's Disease and consulted with doctors of internal medicine, dermatology and ophthalmology. Fourteen days after admission, folliculitis and arthritis appeared and finally he was diagnosed with incomplete type Behçet's Disease.This case suggests that tonsillitis is closely related with the appearance of Behçet's Disease. Furthermore, oral aphthae and tonsillitis are very important symptoms regarding Behçet's Disease, in patients with oral aphthae.