唐 麗燕 陳 月吾
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.33, pp.73-80, 2003-03-20

Mr. Kan Kikuchi described various images of Japanese women in a series of his lengthy novels from Shinjiu Fujin (Pearl Lady)(June, 1920) to Utsukusiki Shokunou(Beautiful Working Ladies)(January, 1941). At the time when Shinju Fujin was published it was still generally considered that women remained weaker than men in many respects. However, the ladies in his many novels claimed their own dignity, dependence and freedom. I would like to analyze the many images of Japanese women whom Mr. Kan Kikuchi describes in his novels from points of view such as women and employment.