川島 洋一
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.37, pp.33-38, 2007

Zui-ki-tei, the Japanese tea-ceremony house donated by Ginjiro Fujiwara (1869-1960) to Sweden, was built at The Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm in 1935. In the academic article in 2004, the author has already showed the donative circumstances of Zui-ki-tei and also illustrated the decisive role of Ida Trotzig (1864-1943) throughout the whole process of donation and construction of Zui-ki-tei. Most of the source material treated herein are derived from the newly found literature which describes the detailed construction process of Zui-ki-tei. The precise circumstances of donation and construction of Zui-ki-tei are reviewed in this paper.
辰巳 佳次
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.34, pp.49-52, 2004-03-20

For the adult daycare entrepreneur in Fukui-shi, the questionnaire about pick-up service was carried out and it investigated about the pick-up method, the problem at the time of a welcome and send-off, etc. The door-to-door system was used for the pick-up system, and pick-up time is about 40 minutes, and it turned out that the welcome and send-off before and after about five persons is performed per time. It is that, as for the main problems at this investigation to the time of a welcome and send-off, the barrier-free of a residence or city environment is not progressing.
川村 欣司
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.21, pp.121-130, 1991-03-20
岡田 東一 鈴木 健太郎 柴田 俊一 萩原 武士 兼田 利勝
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第一部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.33, pp.159-166, 2003-03-20

The time capsule [Biological and Environmental Specimens Time Capsule] aims at the storage of biological and environmental data on contemporary earth until 1000 year future from now on. In order to make the samples kept in the capsule for ultra-long time useful in judging that of biological and environmental degradation of the earth comparing the data with 1000 year time difference, two conditions for the biological contents in the capsule are necessary they are: (1) oxygen free and (2) temperature below -60℃, which should strictly be fulfilled for 1,000 years. The ultra-long-term recorder has been developed which is energized by the stored energy of the materials. The time span [t] is regulated by the torsion creep behavior of pure copper. The pressure [P] in the capsule is to be monitored by a pen cylinder type pressure gauge, and temperature [T] by bimetal. All these three essential key values: P, T, in the capsule and time are to be recorded on the clean surface of metal plate with the scratch of the needles, which follows on each sensor. The extrapolation of the torsion creep data gives approximately 8 rotations on time scale shaft, which leads us to the 40mm transverse motion of scratch needles during 1000 year [3×10^<10>sec] lapse of time.
松並 仁茂
福井工業大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02868571)
no.35, pp.47-56, 2005

Shibako Mizuhane and "Sakaiko-Shuchiku-Kengi" are Japanese translations, first one was written by Johannes de Rijke, another was George Arnold Escher, who were employed Holland engineers. These books are preserved in the Mikuni Museum, "Ryu-Sho-Kan". These books consist difficult style concerning words. So they have not been opened to the public. The author already translated them to living, languages. In this study, the author especially investigates in the translation of living words from difficult foreign engineering words.
下 惟行
福井工業大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02868571)
no.38, pp.155-162, 2008

Chinese culture spans thousands of years' has a great influence not only on China but also on the neighboring countries. Although the low morality of Chinese people has been pointed out in Japan in recent years and there are publications criticizing that the Chinese bring harm to the whole mankind, in my point of view, the ""Standard"" and ""Morality"" that Chinese people consider themselves to posses still exists. In that standard, the Japanese were considered to be ""heterodox"" and ""inferior to Chinese culture"". China didn't acquire the present territory until after the Qing""s dynasty. In the past, people's literacy rates were low and cities were enclosed by the rampart. People seldom knew the concept of ""country"". When it entered modern ages and the concept of ""nation-state"" conies out, the"" country"" named China should be stamped on people's minds, and people were educated by slogans such as ""Patriotism"" and ""All of the 56 races are brothers"", and were asked to study the leaders' ""Slogan"". On the other hand, ""The Enemy"" is always existed on the back side of ""Patriotism"". Present China was substantially capitalist, and because of the importance of sale quantity, publications became more freely widespread as long as they didn't collide with the opinion of the government. The writer Liang Xiaosheng describes the dark part of China, but he has a common fixed idea as a lot of Chinese people have on Japan when it refers to politics.
井本 正介
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第一部 (ISSN:02868571)
no.25, pp.275-281-275-281, 1995-03-20
伊豆蔵 庫喜
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.38, pp.1-8, 2008

This paper considers the change of the samurai's premises in Nakano-Baba through 'FUKUI ZOUKA-EZU'. The number of premises was 43pituin KeicholS years, and it was 35pituat the late of Edo period. The allotment of the premises had been changed twice greatly for reasons that made an alteration to the vegetable garden ground in Kanbun9 years and formed drill place (Tyorenzyo) in that place in Kaei5 years. At the time of feudal lord change at the Kanei first year, the premises substitute changed greatly. Afterwards that number existed many between Syoutoku4 years and Kanbun9 years. After the Anei4 years, the premises along street were occupied by Yoriarseki and Zyozabangai-seki.
越後 周造
福井工業大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.3, pp.101-113, 1973-09-20

The object of this brief essay is to 'sound' the whereabouts of 'structural meaning'. It is expedient to begin with a quotation from The Case For Case, an ambitious essay by Charles J. Fillmore. "In their deep structure, the proposional nucleus of sentences in all languages consists of a V and one or more NP's, each having a separate case relationship to the P and hence to the V. In English, case relationships, such as agentive, instrumental, objective, factitive, locative and fenefactive, are mostly expressed by means of prepositions. In the Study of Syntax, D. Terence Langendoen discusses 'symmetric predicates, ' in which subjects (NP_1) and objects (NP_2) are interchangeable without making appreciable difference. To cite an example, as he says, a pair of three sentences : 1.1 The tanker collided with the steamer., 1.2 The steamer collided with the tanker., and The tanker and the steamer collided., have the same deep structure in common. He illustrates 1.1 as having the following deep structure : (collided/and/with the tanker, with the steamer, ). George Lakoff and Stanley Peters also discuss the same subject. They give 7.1 John conferred with Bill, ' an example of a structure closely similar to Langendoen's 1.1. But they slightly differ from the British grammarian in believing that prepositions have no existence in the deep structure, but are inserted at some later stage in the derivational process. They insist that the deep structure for their 7.1 be (and John, and Bill/past, confer). O. Jespersen takes several instances as double faced phrases in his Modern English Grammar III. Most of his instances might be termed incomplete symmetric predicates. Hermann Paul also refers to a number of similar instances from several languages in his Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte. Jespersen's instances may be represented with '9.1 The garden swarms with bees' and '9.2 Bees swarm in that place., and H. Paul's with '14.1 dass unsere Augen mit Tranen rinnen, ……. To smooth over some 'catch' in their explanation, the present writer prefers to regard 9.2 as basic and 9.1 as derived, that is, possible of transformational derivation along the line of Fillmore and Lakoff. Here '23.1 My hand was dripping blood' may be noticed as a sentence of intermediate character, in which blood represents older blode in the instrumental dative. Jespersen calls such an object one of instrument. Through the decline of the case ending, 'blode' has jumped with blood, the common case form in Modern English. In the process of modification, it must be noticed that the verb 'drip underwent a change in quality from intransitive to transitive. Now we hurriedly turn to the exchangeability of NP_2 amp; NP_3. In this group of sentences. To which Jespersen also refers, verbs are always transitive. His examples, which fall under two patterns may be represented with '30.1 hang curtains on the window' and '30.2 hang the wall with pictures' with the German correspondent being 'die Wand mit Bildern behangen, ' and with '36.1 I'll furnish a reception to them, ' and '36.2 We furnish you with everything you want, the French correspondents being 'fournir quelquechose a quelqu 'un' and 'fournir quelqu' un de quelque chose respectively. Expressed in Fillmore's case frames, the processes of rewriting he endorses in connection with the two types of constructions will be [V+0(NP_2)+L(NP_3)]→[V+L(NP_3)+0(NP_2)instr.] and [V+0(NP_2)+D(NP_3) →[V+D(NP_3)+O(NP_2)instr.]
唐 麗燕 陳 月吾
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.33, pp.73-80, 2003-03-20

Mr. Kan Kikuchi described various images of Japanese women in a series of his lengthy novels from Shinjiu Fujin (Pearl Lady)(June, 1920) to Utsukusiki Shokunou(Beautiful Working Ladies)(January, 1941). At the time when Shinju Fujin was published it was still generally considered that women remained weaker than men in many respects. However, the ladies in his many novels claimed their own dignity, dependence and freedom. I would like to analyze the many images of Japanese women whom Mr. Kan Kikuchi describes in his novels from points of view such as women and employment.
徐 小艶
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.38, pp.121-126, 2008

The language is a mirror which reflects the national characteristic. The proverbs, which have concentrated people's intelligence, especially reflected the national personality. There are a large number of proverbs related to food in Japanese and Chinese. This paper lias collected some Japanese and Chinese proverbs related to food and analyzed the origins of the proverbs in the living environment and folk-custom, etc. Based on comparison and analysis of these proverbs, the culture background, folk-custom, similarities and differences of national psychology between Japan and China was preliminarily discussed in this paper."
梅田 孝男 岩尾 徹也 丸山 和博
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第一部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.33, pp.253-260, 2003-03-20

Trials for exploitation of solar cell using organic dye substances were undertaken. The natural organic dye substances isolated from spinach leaves, grape skin, and synthetic dyes such as porphyrin derivatives were examined as the typical of organic dye substances. Fine powdered titanium oxide grains adsorbed the dyes described above were sintered on fluorine-doped stannic oxide glass. The amounts of electricity generated by prepared solar cells were measured by using a hand-made solar box.
梅田 孝男 岩尾 徹也 丸山 和博
福井工業大学研究紀要. 第一部 (ISSN:02868571)
vol.34, pp.217-224, 2004-03-20

Trials for exploitation of solar cell using organic dye substances were undertaken. The natural organic dye substance isolated from broccoli leaves, and synthetic dyes such as 1,10-phenanthroline dicarboxylic acid derivatives were examined as the typical of organic dye substances. Fine powdered titanium oxide grains adsorbed the dyes described above were sintered on fluorine-doped stannic oxide glass. A variety of devices for preparing solar cells was done to result a solid and constant value of produced electricity.