小野 武美 大野 雅之 村上 荘二 高塚 正彦 南條 忠文
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
トンネル工学研究発表会論文・報告集 (ISSN:18849091)
vol.7, pp.207-212, 1997-11-12 (Released:2011-06-27)

We applied Raise Boring Method for inclined shaft which is 434m-diameter, 340m-long and 70degrees inclined in Bukou mine. It was first time that RHINO 2006DC, large raise boring machine made by Tamrock Finland, was used in Japan and this is the world's largest class raise boring project in inclined shafts, We have broken through it with only 0.5% error in spite of some troubles that was caused by geological condition, very cracked limestone, We have overcome these troubles by some new technologies, for example memory type direction and inclination measurement system, excavation management system, solid stabilizer and so on.This experience suggest us a spread of possibility of Raise Boring Method.