鶴海 寛治
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.1, no.2, pp.88-90, 1952-03-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

A man, aged 26 years, was treated malaria in May, 1942, by spinal injection of “Bagnon” (Quinine preparat). Directly after injection he was attached by severe nervous symptoms, from which he recovered completely after a half year, and returned to normal works.From October, 1950, he was caught by reffered low back pain and paresis of legs. By the laminectomy of X and XI thoracal spines, severe adhesions of spinal cord with arachinoidea and dura was detected, which were detached gentlely between arachinoidea and dura, especially in ythe regions of nerve roots. After one month from operation., he was free from pain, but paresis of legs remained unchanged.It is interesting to notice that the nervous symptoms caused by adhesive spinal meningitis occur after interval of several years, and worth while to indicate that the detachment of adhesions in the regions of nerve roots is important to relieve pains.