黒田 松雄
昆蟲 (ISSN:09155805)
vol.21, no.1, pp.23-27, 1954-07-31

Adult female of the Agromyzid flies makes pores by her cerci in the mesophyll of the leaf of the food plants and sucks plant juice from the pores. Thus she can live for a long time without any other food. The quantity of feeding was estimated by the number of pores. Pores made on the leaf of Ranunculus acris L. by Phytomyza ranunculi Schrank which was reared in the glass cylinder in the laboratory was measured by day and by 2 hours in a day. Egg is laid in a pore which is made by the cerci. Feeding and oviposition do not occur at night. Daily quantity of feeding changes in waves, and one wave consists of 2-4 days. The waves have no relation to the mean daily air temperatures. The number of eggs laid changes irregularly and shows no rhythms. In the feeding, amplitudes of the waves change even in the same individuals. The quantity of feeding decreases as the mean daily air temperature goes down. When the mean daily air temperature goes down to 5℃, sometimes feeding does not occur, and under 3℃ days of no feeding outnumber days of feeding, but even in 0℃ there appears a few days of feeding. At -1℃ there is no feeding nor oviposition. In a day time quantity of feeding changes in waves. On hot days (maximum air temperatures over about 24℃) in early morning and in late evening there appears one peak in each time and between two peaks we find one wide valley. On cold days (minimum air temperatures under about 11℃) there appears a low peak in the warm time. On days of moderate temperatures there appears two or three waves. Oviposition occurs in any time of the day.