齊藤 佳余子 長谷川 ともみ 永山 くに子
富山大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:1882191X)
vol.13, no.2, pp.83-92, 2013-12

本研究は帝王切開を受けた母親が手術直後に体験したカンガルーケアをどのように受けとめたのかを明らかにすることを目的とした.反復帝王切開直後にカンガルーケアを体験した母親5名を対象とし,質的帰納的分析を行った.分析の結果,手術前は【元気な子どもを得る期待感】,帝王切開直後のカンガルーケア体験後には【自分の子どもを得たことの実感の深まり】【子どもへの愛しさの高まり】のカテゴリが抽出された.また3事例ではあるが手術前に<前回の出産に対するひきずり>があった母親はカンガルーケアを体験することにより<前回の出産体験のひきずりの埋め合わせ>が行われ,<出産に対する満足感>へとつながった.このことから帝王切開直後のカンガルーケアを母親は自分の子どもを得たことを実感できる体験と受けとめていた.また前回の出産体験にひきずりをもつ母親にとっては,喪失からの立て直しに関与する可能性が示唆された.Kangaroo care after childbirth is a technique that is widely practiced in many advanced nations. In this research, we aim to clarify the subjective experiences of women practicing kangaroo care after cesarean sections. The subjects in this study comprise five women who underwent repeated cesarean sections. The analysis was conducted using qualitative induction. We found that prior to a cesarean section, the mother hopes to obtain a fine child. It is only after the operation that the mother starts to feel increased love and affection for the child. Three of the five women had previously given birth to children with psychological damage; for these women, the need to participate in kangaroo care could be seen as a kind of compensation for the previous births. Further, these three women all underwent satisfactory deliveries. As mentioned above, it was thought as experience which can realize that the mother got her child for the kangaroo care just behind a cesarean section. Moreover, this study revealed that mothers who experienced psychological damage in previous childbirths participated in kangaroo care as form of recovery therapy brought on by the sense of loss they experienced previously.