渡邊 彩 島谷 まき子 Aya WATANABE Makiko SHIMATANI
昭和女子大学生活心理研究所紀要 = Annual bulletin of Institute of Psychological Studies, Showa Women's University (ISSN:18800548)
vol.7, pp.39-47, 2005-03-31

This fundamental study investigated if picture appreciation could be established as a form of psychotherapy by focusing on changes of feeling as an index of the mental effect of picture appreciation, in addition to the language description method, which is a form of picture appreciation therapy. Participants were 30 males and 30 females. We examined whether the mental effect differed depending on the type of picture, its impression and participants'taste. Seven factors were extracted by factor analysis of measures of current feelings. Results indicated that when the impression created by a picture was positive, the mental effect of picture appreciation changed positively regardless of the type of picture.