Yen Thi Hoang NGUYEN Lan Anh Thi NGUYEN Hieu VAN DONG Hieu Duc DUONG Ayako YOSHIDA
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.23-0236, (Released:2023-11-28)

Cats normally play a role of the definitive host in which the plerocercoid (sparganum), the second larval form of Spirometra spp., develops into an adult in the intestines. However, some cases of cats with visceral or subcutaneous sparganosis were sporadically reported worldwide. We herein documented the discovery of a sparganum in abdominal cavity of a domestic cat during a surgery of dystocia. The larva was molecularly identified as Spirometra mansoni, belonging to Type I, that was recently misidentified to be S. erinaceieuropaei in several Asian countries. This is the first report for sparganum of S. mansoni in the cat. The future study is necessary to provide further insights into the species of Spirometra causing sparganosis and spirometrosis in humans and other animals.
Kai FENG Wei LI Zhihong GUO Hong DUO Yong FU Xiuying SHEN Cheng TIE Rijie E Changqin XIAO Yanhong LUO Guo QI Ma NI Qingmei MA Wataru YAMAZAKI Ayako YOSHIDA Yoichiro HORII Kinpei YAGI Nariaki NONAKA
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.17-0430, (Released:2017-10-23)

For field-identification of taeniid cestodes in canine animals in Tibetan area, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for Echinococcus multilocularis, E. shiquicus, Taenia hydatigena, T. multiceps, T. pisiformis and T. crassiceps were developed and evaluated along with the reported assay for E. granulosus. The LAMP assays showed specific reaction with their corresponding target species DNA with the detection limit of 1 to 10 pg. Moreover, the assays for E. granulosus, E. multilocularis, T. hydatigena and T. multiceps could detect DNA extracted from 3 or more eggs of their corresponding target species. Then, the LAMP assays were applied on samples containing 3 to 35 taeniid eggs obtained from 61 field-collected canine feces in Qinghai, and the result was compared with a reported multiplex PCR and sequence analysis. The LAMP assays and the PCR detected single species DNA of E. granulosus, E. shiquicus, T. hydatigena and T. multiceps in 5, 2, 44 and 2 samples, respectively. In the rest 8 samples, DNA of both E. granulosus and T. hydatigena were detected by the PCR but the LAMP assays detected those DNAs in 2 samples and only T. hydatigena DNA in 6 samples. It was assumed that less than 3 E. granulosus eggs were mixed in the samples although the samples contained 21 to 27 eggs in total. In conclusion, the LAMP assays were less sensitive than the multiplex PCR, but would have adequate sensitivity for field use in Tibetan area.