Chiranthanin Kitika Suzuki Katsuhiko
International Community of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (ISSN:21873666)
vol.4, no.1, pp.106-122, 2016

Chiang Mai is the second biggest city in Thailand. With its own history, this city has been represented as a culture city but many economic growths have been increasing at the same time. Many areas in the city are turning toward economic purposes, especially Nimmanhaemin District, which is currently well known as a business district for dining and entertainment spots where it was originally a planned area for single house real estate and had followed grid system planning following modern thought since 1980s. The strong character of this district is in its street network which is related to the grid system and provides for communities on "Soi" (Thai, meaning alleys that connect to the main street). With rapidly economic development in the last 15 years, area uses on the Nimmanhaemin street network have been turning toward business purposes and have grown without direction or limits. The most invested in are residential and commercial uses. There can be found numbers of new apartments which were built into old residential areas. In addition, researchers have found conflicts and controversies between old residents and new communities which are permanently related to urban management such as traffic circulation, zoning, image of the city and community design. Because previous government strategies were lacking local input, analysis of existing communities' relations is required. This research hypothesis is to posit sustainable communities which move forward with a "Community Drive" where cultural and creative activities create a balance between social relations (Existing residents and present business grouping) and business aims. Then, this research aims to integrate "Neighbourhood" into apartments which lack social interaction and public mind as a part of community. This research methodology identifies the relationship between existing residents and present business groups which refer to concerned theories; "The Production of Space" theory by Henri Lefebvre and "Neighbourhood" by Nicholas Patricios, which defines the "Neighbourhood"concept as a retrospective of physical design and social interaction. Analysis was conducted based on community participation and questionnaire data. The implications of this research are applications and strategies toward integrating a "Neighbourhood Network" on a condominium floor plan for a case study of a condominium community.