Fagan John Gerard
言語文化硏究 = Meikai Studies in Language and Culture
vol.1, pp.59-67, 2018-03-31

Defamiliarization, as defined by Shklovsky (1916), is a literary technique of making thefamiliar seem unfamiliar. Since after time we tend to become somewhat desensitised to our surroundings and language, describing things clearly through written language can be problematic. Thus, a defamiliarization technique can be used as a short writing activity in L2 university level English writing classes to not only aid students in being awakened to the content to which they will write, but also in being creative with the English language and building their writing confidence, as they try out ideas in a risk-free environment, becoming more advanced writers of both fiction and non-fiction. The written work generated can be used for reading practise, discussions, and for editing purposes later on in their writing course. I will advocate the use of defamiliarization writing activities for L2 writing classes at Japanese university level for these very reasons. I will introduce the technique, detail the process, rules, and further activities than can be organised from this writing activity.