Gray Gavan
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.8, pp.65-90, 2011

自由論文This paper examines Japanese attitudes to pacifism and their intersection with the country's defense needs and argues that adoption of ideologically absolutist positions regarding antimilitarism act in a counterproductive manner by weakening the defense system. These vulnerabilities only serve to provide justification for more aggressive military expansion by a political system that is itself realist in nature and which only pays lip-service to the idea of Japan as a pacifist state. The historical development of the Japanese defense industry is used as an example of the complex role the military system has played in the evolution of modern Japan and how it has been a factor in promoting not only dark periods of ignominy but also many of the technological and political developments which made Japan a strong independent state. This complexity calls for a greater engagement between Japan's peace activists and the military defense system itself, in a manner which will produce more pragmatic and effective gains for Japanese and world security.この論文では日本の平和主義と国防への影響について考察する。論点は、絶対平和主義は防衛力を脆弱化するので、日本の平和に対し逆効果であるということである。防衛力が脆弱化すれば軍事力を拡大しようと「現実的」政府はその弱さを利用しようとするだろう。防衛産業の歴史をみると日本の成長で軍事力の役割は複雑であったことが分かる。攻撃的な戦争を起こすような悪の原因であったと同時に、日本が強い独立国になるためにとても重要で多くの国益も与えてきたのである。軍事力の役割が複雑だからこそ、平和活動家と軍事専門家が、より高いレベルでの関係を築くこと日本の平和な将来のために最善の契機となるであろう。