Mabuchi Hitoshi
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.2, pp.13-23, 2006-03-01

This paper examines problems of cultural essentialism in the context of multiculturalism.Cultural essentialism was identified in the debates both by pro-multiculturalists and antimulticulturalists.Following the arguments presented by Taylor, Bhabha and Young, the notion of cultural essentialism, in which cultures are monolithic with their authenticity anddefined boundaries, is problematic and seen to require deconstruction. Thoroughgoingdeconstruction of identity itself is not the ultimate goal of multiculturalism. However, the necessity of employing strategic essentialism in each individual context was considered as it may provide a new path to multiculturalism. The above discussion also leads us to explore whether the people in this field recognize Japanese society as diverse or homogeneous. The notion of diasporic hybridity and insights related to gender are suggested as a new valid conceptual framework for multiculturalism, as it has a potentialto replace the notions of nationality and ethnicity.本稿は、多文化主義というコンテクストにおける文化本質主義の問題点を分析する。多文化主義を推進する、或いは反対するどちらの立場にも文化本質主義に陥る問題性は存在する。小論では、多文化主義の代表的な論者であるテイラーと、それを批判したバーバやヤングの議論を糸口に、静的かつ境界線のはっきりした、自明のように存在すると見なされる「文化」の捉え方を、本質主義とし問題化する。そして、国民性や民族性という概念が構築されたものであるという視点から、ジェンダー等によって脱構築された、或いは根無し草的なアイデンティティの捉え方の意義性について提示を試みる。さらに具体的には、文化理解に関わる様々な場面で、例えば日本、アメリカ、韓国など常に国や民族を単位にして事象を考察しようとする従来のアプローチの問題点が指摘される
Gray Gavan
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.8, pp.65-90, 2011

自由論文This paper examines Japanese attitudes to pacifism and their intersection with the country's defense needs and argues that adoption of ideologically absolutist positions regarding antimilitarism act in a counterproductive manner by weakening the defense system. These vulnerabilities only serve to provide justification for more aggressive military expansion by a political system that is itself realist in nature and which only pays lip-service to the idea of Japan as a pacifist state. The historical development of the Japanese defense industry is used as an example of the complex role the military system has played in the evolution of modern Japan and how it has been a factor in promoting not only dark periods of ignominy but also many of the technological and political developments which made Japan a strong independent state. This complexity calls for a greater engagement between Japan's peace activists and the military defense system itself, in a manner which will produce more pragmatic and effective gains for Japanese and world security.この論文では日本の平和主義と国防への影響について考察する。論点は、絶対平和主義は防衛力を脆弱化するので、日本の平和に対し逆効果であるということである。防衛力が脆弱化すれば軍事力を拡大しようと「現実的」政府はその弱さを利用しようとするだろう。防衛産業の歴史をみると日本の成長で軍事力の役割は複雑であったことが分かる。攻撃的な戦争を起こすような悪の原因であったと同時に、日本が強い独立国になるためにとても重要で多くの国益も与えてきたのである。軍事力の役割が複雑だからこそ、平和活動家と軍事専門家が、より高いレベルでの関係を築くこと日本の平和な将来のために最善の契機となるであろう。
智原 哲郎 加藤 映子
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.5, pp.157-171, 2008

実践報告大阪女学院大学では、2004 年から夏学期および秋学期末に3 泊4 日の「短期集中英語合宿」を実施している。参加学生のTOEIC スコアおよびアンケート結果を「英語学習と動機づけ」の観点から分析を行った。TOEIC スコアの上昇は授業内容の適切さに加えて、共有意識を持った参加者と寝食を共にしながら学習することにより学習意欲が増したことや、自発的に参加して積極的に学ぶという動機づけの高さが要因であろう。「TOEIC を学ぶ合宿」ではなく、「TOEIC の学習をとおして英語能力の向上を図る合宿」として位置づけ「短期集中英語合宿」は、参加学生の高い満足度を示したアンケート結果からも英語学習と動機づけの関連が読みとれる。Osaka Jogakuin College has been holding a short-term intensive residential English seminar in the end of the spring and fall term since 2004. Analyses of the participants' TOEIC-IP scores and the questionnaire results were conducted in view of English learning and motivation. The rise of the scores in the seminar could be because the class contents were appropriate to the students but also because the students were highly motivated to participate voluntarily and positively in the seminar with friends who shared mutual understanding of learning and staying together overnight. The students' high satisfaction with the program shown in the questionnaire suggests that the short-term intensive residential English seminar, not to 'learn TOEIC' but to 'improve language proficiency through TOEIC' can have a beneficial effect on the increase in learning motivation that leads to higher language proficiency.
Cornwell Steve
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.10, 2014-03-01

I consider myself honored to have been asked to write a few words for this kiyo as two valued teachers retire from full-time service. I feel I have not really done justice to their contributions, but hope that this short piece shares a sense of the kind of colleagues they are. We will surely miss them. Fujimoto Sensei I am not sure when I first met Fujimoto sensei. I think I first got to know her through her volunteer work with some of the main professional development and service organizations in language teaching: TESOL and JALT are two that come to mind. In fact, looking back, we both participated on a forum at the JALT conference in Hamamatsu in 1997 on Teacher Development through Peer Mentoring. In addition, a former OJC teacher, Tonia McKay Peters was a colleague of Fujimoto sensei when she worked at International University of Japan. Fujimoto sensei is well known and respected by many teachers both in Japan and abroad. There are a few qualities I'd like to point out about her. One is her creativity. She has created or put her own mark on many interesting activities that we have come to use in many of our programs at OJU/OJC including orientation, open campus, schooling, and more. Many of us have used board games that she developed to get students engaging in English. And our material has videos on holding good conversations that she scripted and taped using students. She also helps students develop their abilities. I recall that she, along with Verity sensei, came up with a special process to help students entering speech contests̶it was a process that worked and produced several winning entries. And it was an inclusive approach that encouraged students at all levels to enter the contests. Finally, I have had first hand experience working with Fujimoto sensei for three years on our cultural exchange program with Yuan Ze University. She has helped shape the program and increased its focus on peeling back the layers of culture by exploring features that are unfamiliar. Professional development, creativity, speech context preparation, culture exchange all point to a teacher's teacher̶someone whom we have been privileged to work with and who we will miss as she transitions out of being a full-time faculty member. Tomono Sensei When I think of Tomono sensei, I think of persimmons and apples. Now that is strange some may say, but for those of us who have worked with her, it is not. I can recall countless meetings in her office where we shared fruit (and tea and occasionally some chocolate) as we made plans for events such as the Communication Graduate Project poster session or just touched base on how our students were doing. What does this tell us about Tomono sensei? Well, she is a gracious host. She created an atmosphere conducive to accomplishing what we had to do in the time frame we had. She is concerned about our well-being (health). We could enjoy healthy snacks as we conducted our business. But there is much more to Tomono sensei than good taste in snacks. She really cares about her students and creates opportunities for them to see interpreting take place in real life situations. Many of my students told me how they were going to go to the Kyoto Prize (an international award to honor those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of mankind) because of Tomono sensei. And she coaches her students well--one of her students won first prize in the 7th Student Interpretation Contest held at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. Gracious and health conscious host, caring teacher, successful coach these are all qualities that Tomono sensei embodies. And they are qualities we will miss as she moves on. We were lucky to have her as a colleague and will miss her contributions.
Takigawa Yuzuru
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.3, pp.15-24, 2007-03-01

This paper examines misunderstandings triggered by communication style differencesbetween Japanese and Americans. Specifically, this paper explores how a Japanese wifemakes the point of her story to her American husband and examines how she reaches toher point and why he has difficulty understanding it. The way people express the mainpoint of their conversation can differ dramatically depending on cultural backgrounds.Japanese prefer the main point being understood within the context instead of the speakerexplicitly stating it, which often makes the main point of Japanese speakers'story unclearand difficult to understand for non-Japanese. Careful analysis of the data in this studyshows that the Japanese wife states the point of her story at the end and her Americanhusband has difficulty following to her story and misunderstands her point a couple oftimes through the interaction. This evidence supports the previous research findings.本稿では異文化間コミュニケーションにおいて、国際結婚カップルの日本語会話データを用い、日本人の妻がアメリカ人の夫に話をする時、話の重要な点をどう伝えそれを夫は理解できるのか分析する。文化の違いにより話の伝え方も全く異なる。たとえば、アメリカ人は話の重要点をはっきり表現するが、日本人は聞き手自身が文脈から理解する手法をとる。従ってそのスタイルに慣れていない外国人は、話し手である日本人が伝えたいことを理解できないことがある。本研究でも、妻と夫の話の伝え方の違いが誤解を生む結果となることが分かった。
黒澤 満
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.8, pp.91-104, 2011

自由論文The purpose of this paper is to examine and propose concrete nuclear disarmament measures which should be taken following the entry into force of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) on February 5, 2011. This treaty is the first concrete outcome from the famous Prague address by President Barak Obama in April 2009 and there still remain many items which should be pursued and implemented. I will take up the issues of the further reduction of strategic nuclear weapons, the reduction of non-strategic nuclear weapons, the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), the negotiation of a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT), and the consideration of a nuclear weapons convention. I will examine the circumstances surrounding each issue, and make proposals for their realization.本稿の目的は、2011 年2 月5 日に発効した新戦略兵器削減条約(新START 条約)に引き続き取られるべき具体的な核軍縮措置を検討し提案することである。この条約は2009年4 月のオバマ大統領による有名なプラハ演説の最初の具体的な成果であり、まだ追求し履行されるべき多くの課題が残されている。 ここでは、戦略核兵器の一層の削減、非戦略核兵器の削減、包括的核実験禁止条約(CTBT)の発効、核分裂性物質生産禁止条約(FMCT)の交渉および核兵器禁止条約の審議を取り上げ、それぞれの問題を取り巻く状況を検討し、進むべき方向を提案する。
Kurosawa Mitsuru
no.9, pp.23-35, 2013-03-01

自由論文Since President Obama's speech for a world without nuclear weapons in April 2009, arguments on how to get there have become popular among many experts. Recent arguments toward a nuclear-free world can be divided into three: first, a nuclear weapons convention, second, humanitarian nuclear disarmament and third, delegitimizing nuclear weapons. The purpose of this paper is to examine these three approaches toward a nuclear-free world by precisely surveying the historical background and the contents of each approach, to contend that these three approaches have their own merits and to recommend pursuing these three approaches simultaneously as they are interdependent and have synergistic effects.2009年4月のオバマ大統領の核兵器のない世界に向けた演説以来、そこにどのように到達するが広く議論されている。核兵器のない世界に向けての最近の議論は以下の三つに分けることができる。第一は核兵器禁止条約、第二は人道的核軍縮、第三は核兵器の非正当化である。本稿の目的は、それぞれのアプローチの歴史的背景およびその内容を詳細に検討することであり、それぞれのアプローチが独自のメリットを有していると結論し、それらは相互依存関係にあるので相乗的効果をもつように同時に三つの方法を追求することを勧告する。
Swenson Tamara Bramley David Cornwell Steve
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.10, pp.17-30, 2014-03-01

論文This paper discusses the transition from paper-based, in-house produced Englishlanguage textbooks to the electronic environment: eBooks. These eBooks are produced for reading, writing, and discussion classes for use in the content-based curriculum at Osaka Jogakuin University and Osaka Jogakuin College. To date, nine books for the iPad have been written, designed, and produced by the English-teaching faculty. This paper reviews the shift in education from the use of paper to digital media for content delivery, discusses the challenges of making the transition to the digital era, and provides advice for taking advantage of software available for eBook authoring for the iPad tablet compuer.本稿では、英語教育における紙媒体テキストから電子媒体テキスト(eBooks)への転換について、その諸問題を考察する。本稿で取り扱うeBooks は、大阪女学院大学・大阪女学院短期大学に位置する女子大学で英語教育教材として独自に開発されたものである。同大学ではリーディング、ライティングおよびディスカッションクラスでコンテント・ベースの英語教育カリキュラムを展開しているが、学内の英語担当教員がオリジナルデジタルテキストを製作し、iPad を用いた授業で使用している。これまでに、9 冊のデジタルテキストが製作されており、デザインも含めてすべての内容を英語担当教員が書き下ろした独自教材である。本稿では、まず、教育環境における教材配信手段の紙媒体から電子媒体への変遷を概観し、デジタル化の過渡期の問題点を考察し、タブレット端末iPad 上で活用できるeBook オーサリングソフトウェアについて具体的な提案を行う。
森口 明美
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
vol.3, pp.1-13, 2006

アラブ文学においては一般に韻文が最高の文学的表現と考えられてきた。中でもジャーヒリーヤ時代(イスラム勃興以前の無明時代)のムアッラカート(muallaqat)と呼ばれる7つあるいは10の長詩はすべてのアラブ詩の中で最高傑作とされている。ジャーヒリーヤ時代の韻文はアラブ人の生活や精神を反映するだけでなく、コーランのアラビア語とともに古典アラビア語の成立に多大な影響を与えたとして言語学的にも重要である。その一方で、伝承過程における様々な問題点も指摘されている。本論文では、ジャーヒリーヤ時代の代表的詩人、イムルウルカイス(lmrual-Qays, d.c.550)のムアッラカ(muallaqa,ムアッラカートの単数形)のテキストの比較分析を行った。その結果、対象とした5つのテキストはすべて異なっていたが、その違いは限定的かつ規則的であった。
菅野 ゆりか
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
vol.1, pp.59-71, 2004

研究ノート「自律学習」とは、学習行為を自分で管理することだという。しかしこの学習における「自律性」は、学習者が放任された状況で育成されるものではない。普遍的な教育目標である「民主社会に積極的に参画しつつ、よりよき自己実現のために生涯学び続けることのできる人格の育成」は、前述の「自律性」育成を課題として含むといえる。ドイツの学校教育においては、この普遍的な教育目標に対し「言語コミュニケーション能力の育成」を重要課題として、体系的、具体的、段階的な実践方法を提示している。本稿ではドイツの学校教育における言語教育理念、およびそれらの実践例を概観しつつ、語学教育における「自律性」育成の可能性を考察する。In recent years, the concept of autonomous learning has frequently been dealt with in the educational field. Autonomous learning means that learners control their own learning activity. But on the laissez-fair principle, this learner autonomy can hardly be acquired. The universal purpose of education, forming a character that can participate actively in a democratic society and building a personality that can learn lifelong for self-realization, includes the aim of developing autonomy. In schooling in Germany, education of language-communicative competence is grounded on systematic theory, and is practiced concretely and step by step as the most important subject of the above-mentioned universal purpose of education. But first the concept of language education must be clarified. This paper aims to study how we effectively develop autonomy in language education by looking at the whole picture of these practical examples in German schooling.
瀧川 禅
大阪女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:18800084)
no.3, pp.15-24, 2006
