平石 賢二 HIRAISHI Kenji
名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科 (ISSN:03874796)
vol.37, pp.217-234, 1990-12-25

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the development of self-consciousness in adolescence, especially the development of two dimensions of self-consciousness (positive-negative, stable -unstable). The subjects were 247 junior high school students (135 males and 112 females), 292 high school students (126 males and 166 females), and 341 college students (179 males and 162 females). And they were administered a questionnaire consisted of three scales (Self-Positiveness Scale, Self-Stability Scale, and The Scale for Perceived Self by Significant Others). In the present article, however, we reportd on the former two scales. Major findings were as follows : 1) Junior high school students and college students had more posive self-consciousness than high school students. 2) Amog junior high school students, Males had more positive self-consciousness than females. On the contraly, females had more positive self-consciousness than males among college students. 3) Junior high school students perceived the most stable self among three groups. And next was high school students. 4) Factor Structures on the self-consciosness (both self-positivenss and self-stability) were common among three groups.