三好 甫 吉岡 義朗 池田 正幸 高村 守幸 Miyoshi Hajime Yoshioka Yoshiro Ikeda Masayuki Takamura Moriyuki
航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料 = Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory SP-16 (ISSN:0289260X)
vol.16, pp.99-106, 1991-12

In a few years, a computer which processes CFD programs over 100 times faster than the Fujitsu VP400 and has a main memory capacity of more than 32G bytes will be required for CFD technology to play an important role in aerospace research and development. A distributed main memory parallel processor is free from the memory throughput bottleneck which prevents the implementation of shared memory parallel processors with the necessary speed. In the light of regular characteristics of CFD codes, a distributed memory parallel processor is likely to deliver the above-mentioned processing speed. Its characteristics include a physically distributed main memory which logically provides programmers with global and local memory views, processing elements with high speed RISC scalar units and high speed vector units with large capacity vector registers, and a crossbar network which interconnects a large number of processing elements. Such a processor can be suitably called the "Numerical Wind Tunnel". This paper describes the basic main memory structure, system configuration, processing element, and interconnection network and communication mechanism of the Numerical Wind Tunnel.
Ikeda Masayuki
The neuroscientist : a review journal bridging neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry (ISSN:10738584)
vol.10, no.4, pp.315-324, 2004-08

The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) has a pivotal role in the mammalian circadian clock. SCN neurons generate circadian rhythms in action potential firing frequencies and neurotransmitter release, and the core oscillation is thought to be driven by "clock gene" transcription-translation feedback loops. Cytosolic Ca2+ mobilization followed by stimulation of various receptors has been shown to reset the gene transcription cycles in SCN neurons, whereas contribution of steady-state cytosolic Ca2+ levels to the rhythm generation is unclear. Recently, circadian rhythms in cytosolic Ca2+ levels have been demonstrated in cultured SCN neurons. The circadian Ca2+ rhythms are driven by the release of Ca2+ from ryanodine-sensitive internal stores and resistant to the blockade of action potentials. These results raise the possibility that gene translation/transcription loops may interact with autonomous Ca2+ oscillations in the production of circadian rhythms in SCN neurons.