石原 嘉人 Ishihara Yoshihito
琉球大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center University of the Ryukyus (ISSN:21884501)
no.1, pp.27-39, 2014-03

ベトナム語話者が日本語を学ぶ際の特徴として,母語の漢字語棄(漢越語)の知識が有利に働くことが挙げられるが,その半面で母語の干渉による誤用が生じやすいことも見逃せない。中国語や韓国語も同様の特徴を持つのであるが,これらの言語に比べるとベトナム語は日本ではなじみが薄く,教材や辞書などの学習ツールが不足している。本稿では,ベトナム語話者に対する漢字語彙の指導を効果的に進めるためにいくつかの提言を行う。The aim of this paper is to argue the effectiveness of acquisition of Japanese KANJI compounds by speakers of Vietnamese. These students have an advantage in learning KANJI compounds because they know Hán Việt ngữ, which are Chinese compound words of Vietnamese. Both the Japanese and Vietnamese languages have the same KANJI compounds, however it does not ensure that both have the same meanings. Even if the meanings of the compounds are almost the same, students of Vietnamese speech often encounter mistakes, such as confusion of word class, and transitive or intransitive verbs. This paper analyzes the cause of such confusion and argues the features of these mistakes. It also suggests an effective introduction to avoid typical errors that come from differences between both Japanese and Vietnamese languages.