加藤 元康/河合 拓郎/大桶 華子/工藤 勝/國分 正廣/新家 昇 カトウ モトヤス/カワイ タクロウ/オオケ ハナコ/クドウ マサル/コクブ マサヒロ/シンヤ ノボル KATO Motoyasu/KAWAI Takuro/OHKE Hanako/KUDO Masaru/KOKUBU Masahiro/SHINYA Noboru
vol.19, no.2, pp.193-199, 2000-12-30

The change to cardiovascular system of non-hypertensive (NH group) and hypertensive patients (HT group) were examined using a rate pressure product (RPP) during dental treatment of elderly patients aged a mean of 70.4 years. 1. The RPP in the NH group was significantly higher than in the HT group during local anesthesia and dental treatment. 2. The RPP in the NH group was significantly higher than that in the HT group during dental treatment without local anesthesia. 3. There were no significantly changes in RPP between the monitored and sedation groups of the HT group. The results suggested that changes in the cardiovascular system was markedly high during dental treatment for non-hypertensive patients. Therefore, local anesthesia must be carefully chosen for such patients. Intravenous sedation with diazepam is suitable for elderly patients because of safety during dental treatment. Even in elderly non-hypertensive patients, changes in RPP may occur, therefore, blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG should be monitored during dental treatment.