加藤 元康/河合 拓郎/大桶 華子/工藤 勝/國分 正廣/新家 昇 カトウ モトヤス/カワイ タクロウ/オオケ ハナコ/クドウ マサル/コクブ マサヒロ/シンヤ ノボル KATO Motoyasu/KAWAI Takuro/OHKE Hanako/KUDO Masaru/KOKUBU Masahiro/SHINYA Noboru
vol.19, no.2, pp.193-199, 2000-12-30

The change to cardiovascular system of non-hypertensive (NH group) and hypertensive patients (HT group) were examined using a rate pressure product (RPP) during dental treatment of elderly patients aged a mean of 70.4 years. 1. The RPP in the NH group was significantly higher than in the HT group during local anesthesia and dental treatment. 2. The RPP in the NH group was significantly higher than that in the HT group during dental treatment without local anesthesia. 3. There were no significantly changes in RPP between the monitored and sedation groups of the HT group. The results suggested that changes in the cardiovascular system was markedly high during dental treatment for non-hypertensive patients. Therefore, local anesthesia must be carefully chosen for such patients. Intravenous sedation with diazepam is suitable for elderly patients because of safety during dental treatment. Even in elderly non-hypertensive patients, changes in RPP may occur, therefore, blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG should be monitored during dental treatment.
高橋 勝雄/和田 重人/古田 勲 タカハシ マサオ/ワダ シゲヒト/フルタ イサオ TAKAHASHI Masao/WADA Shigehito/FURUTA Isao
vol.19, no.2, pp.187-192, 2000-12-30

Seventy-eight cases of benign tumors derived from the soft tissue of the oral and facial regions were analyzed clinically. The results were as follows. 1) The tumors were classified as hemangioma (28.2%), pleomorphic adenoma (24.4%), fibroma (17.9%) and papilloma (14.1%). The remaining 15.4% consisted of 3 cases of lipoma, 3 of adenolymphoma, and other rare cases. 2) Of the 78 cases, 28 were in males and 50 in females (sex ratio) (1:1.8). 3) The patient ages at the first visit ranged from 5 to 80 years (mean age) (47.9 years). 4) Approximately three quarters (75%) had swelling as the chief complaints. 5) The primary sites was 22 cases (28.2%) in the tongue, 15 (19.2%) in the palate, and 12 (15.4%) in the lip. Hemangiomas and pleomorphic adenomas are more common in the tongue or lip and in the palate respectively. 6) The average long diameter of pleomorphic adenomas and papillomas were 32.9mm and 7.1mm respectively. These values deviated from the 19.6mm average for all cases.
川上 智史 荊木 裕司 原口 克博 尾立 光 川村 周徳 久保田 端尚 宮田 武彦 渡辺 敏彦 飯岡 淳子 入戸野 誠 尾立 達治 大沼 修一 関口 昇 横内 厚雄 松田 浩一
東日本歯学雑誌 (ISSN:09109722)
vol.8, no.1, pp.57-62, 1989-06-30

Recently, sedative and antiphlogistic treatment is conducted with low energy laser irradiation. The purpose of the this study was to evaluate the effectiveness to decrease of pain just after irradiation by a GaAlAs semiconductor laser. The irradiation apparatus was SEMI LASER NANOX (LX-800 : G-C. Co.) with the following features : a wave lengh of (around) 780nm : the laser energy, 30mW ; exposure time, SOsec to ISOsec/ per treatment. Diagnosis of pre-and post-operative sensitivity were classified into the following four grades : Grade 0 no pain. Grade I mild pain. Grade II strong but tolerable pain. Grade III intolerable pain (simultaneous with stimulation). The results were as follows: 1. In the hypersensitivity of dentin, the treatment was not effective with 2 cases of grade III, but with all of grade I , II (35 cases) the pain decreased just after irradiation. 2 . It was effective in all cases with pain like periodontitis after root canal filling and pain after extraction of teeth. 3 . It was effective in all cases with gingivitis, stomatitis, and gingival ulcers after infilttation anesthesia etc..
八幡 祥子/河野 英司/広瀬 弥奈/浅香 めぐみ/松本 大輔/坂口 也子/丹下 貴司/時安 喜彦/渡部 茂/五十嵐 清治/広瀬 公治/三浦 宏子/水谷 博幸/上田 五男 ヤハタ ショウコ/カワノ エイジ/ヒロセ ミナ/アサカ メグミ/マツモト ダイスケ/サカグチ ナリコ/タンゲ タカシ/トキヤス ヨシヒコ/ワタナベ シゲル/イガラシ セイジ/ヒロセ コウジ/ミウラ ヒロコ/ミズガイ ヒロユキ/ウエダ イツオ YAHATA Syouko/KAWANO Eiji/HIROSE Mina/ASAKA Megumi/MATSUMOTO Daisuke/SAKAGUCHI Nariko/TANGE Takashi/TOKIYASU Yoshihiko/WATANABE Shigeru/IGARASHI Seiji/HIROSE Kouji/MIURA Hiroko/MIZUGAI Hiroyuki/UEDA Itsuo
vol.14, no.2, pp.207-212, 1995-12-31

The collective dental examinations of nursery school children aged 3 to 5 in Shinshinotsu village in Hokkaido have been conducted for several years by our departments in cooperation with the administrative organs of Shinshinotsu village. The data of dental examinations in 1994 were analyzed and compared with the data for 1988 as well as with the data of the Survey of Dental Diseases by the Health Policy Bureau Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan in 1993 and 1987. The results were as follows; (1) The rate of persons with carious teeth and the mean number of carious teeth per person in Shinshinotsu village were higher than those of the National Survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare at all ages. (2) The rate of persons with carious teeth and the mean number of carious teeth per person decreased. The rate of persons with dental treatment increased from 1988 to 1994 in 4 year-old children in Shinshinotsu village in the same manner as the results of the National Survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, while dental caries showed no decrease in the 3 and 5 year-old children.
三重野 雅/村瀬 博文/深瀬 秀郷/福栄 克浩/土岐 光伸/永山 裕/笠原 邦明/玄間 美健/小田 浩範/大森 一幸/前田 静一/加藤 元康/磯貝 治喜/原田 尚也/平 博彦/有末 眞 ミエノ タダシ/ムラセ ヒロフミ/フカセ シュウゴウ/フクエイ カツヒロ/トキ ミツノブ/ナガヤマ ヒロシ/カサハラ クニアキ/ゲンマ ヨシタケ/オダ ヒロノリ/オオモリ カズユキ/マエダ セイイチ/カトウ モトヤス/イソガイ ハルキ/ハラダ ナオヤ/タイラ ヒロヒコ/アリスエ マコト MIENO Tadashi/MURASE Hirofumi/FUKASE Shugoh/FUKUEI Katsuhiro/TOKI Mitsunobu/NAGAYAMA Hiroshi/KASAHARA Kuniaki/GENMA Yoshitake/ODA Hironori/OOMORI Kazuyuki/MAEDA Seiichi/KATO Motoyasu/ISOGAI Haruki/HARADA Naoya/TAIRA Hirohiko/ARISUE Makoto
vol.12, no.2, pp.227-232, 1993-12-31

Generally, the repositioning and fixation of fragments in the treatment of jaw fractures is performed based on proper occlusion conditions of the upper and lower jaws. However, the treatment of fractures of the mentally and physically handicapped pose a number of problems caused by lack of patient comprehension and cooperation. In this paper, we present two cases of mandibular fracture of handicapped patients, whose closed reduction and fixation was impossible. In these cases, open reduction and ridged fixation of fragments was carried out with screw and plate without intermaxillary fixation. Problems of the treatment of jaw fracture of mentally and physically handicapped patients were discussed.
野田 晃宏/荊木 裕司/原口 克博/川上 智史/宮田 武彦/横内 厚雄/大沼 修一/尾立 達治/長岡 央/小出 賢治/舛潟 尚樹/飯岡 淳子/笹渕 博子/川嶋 利明/松田 浩一 ノダ アキヒロ/イバラキ ユウジ/ハラグチ カツヒロ/カワカミ トモフミ/ミヤタ タケヒコ/ヨコウチ アツオ/オオヌマ シュイチ/オダチ タツジ/ナガオカ ヒロシ/コイデ ケンジ/マスガタ ナオキ/イイオカ アツコ/ササブチ ヒロコ/カワシマ トシアキ/マツダ コウイチ NODA Akihiro/IBARAKI Yuji/HARAGUCHI Katsuhiro/KAWAKAMI Tomofumi/MIYATA Takehiko/YOKOUCHI Atsuo/OHNUMA Syuichi/ODACHI Tatsuji/NAGAOKA Hiroshi/KOIDE Kenji/MASUGATA Naoki/IIOKA Atsuko/SASABUCHI Hiroko/KAWASIMA Tosiaki/MATSUDA Koichi
vol.11, no.2, pp.217-223, 1992-12-31

Clinical practice has been assigned as a final and very important aspect of study and practice in dental education. In our university, the students are exposed to clinical practice from the latter term of the fifth year. This report investigated the protocols of clinical cases by a mutual practice system of dental treatment from the seventh to the tenth class of graduates. The mutual practice of dental treatment is a system where students act as docter and patient mutually. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The seventh class graduates averaged 1.45 clinical cases of mutual practice system. The eighth, ninth and tenth classes averaged 2.3, 2.9, and 1.7. 2) 65 percents of all cases on restorations were cast restorations. Composite resin restorations increased and comprised 35 percents of all cases. However amalgam fillings did not take place.
東日本歯学雑誌 (ISSN:09109722)
vol.16, no.1, pp.71-85, 1997-06-30

以前,我々はヒト舌癌細胞において,高浸潤株は低浸潤株よりCu-ZnSOD活性が低く,さらにアンチセンスc-DNAを導入することによりCu-ZnSOD活性を抑制し,in vitroにおいて細胞の運動能が先進したことを報告した。しかしながら,この細胞内Cu-ZnSOD活性と腫瘍細胞の運動能との,逆相関関係は他の腫瘍細胞においても見られることなのか,また実際にin vitroでの転移能は細胞内Cu-ZnSODにより規定されるのかは報告されていなかった。今回,私はマウスMeth A細胞から樹立した低転移クローンML-01にCu-ZnSODのアンチセンスc-DNAを導入し5株のクローンを得た。そのうち最もSOD活性が低下したML-AS2,また活性の低下が最も少なかったML-AS5のSOD活性の異なる2つのクローンを用いて運動能と転移能を検討した。結果,運動能についてはベクターのみを導入したML-neoと比較してML-AS2は4倍, ML-AS5は2.2倍の先進が認められた。つぎに,ML-ASクローン群をSuperoxideにて処理したところ,運動能が促進したが, ML-neoでは変化を認めなかった。転移能はML-neoと比べるとML-AS2では4.5倍,ML-AS5では2.5倍の値を示した。これらの結果から細胞内Cu-ZnSOD活性と転移能は,逆相関関係で細胞内Cu-ZnSODは運動能を規定する因子であることが示唆された。
木村 和代 廣瀬 由紀人 八島 明弘 安彦 善裕 賀来 亨
東日本歯学雑誌 (ISSN:09109722)
vol.22, no.1, pp.35-46, 2003-06-30

Pulsing electromagnetic fields (PEMF) are known to be effective in stimulation of nonunion fractures, however the mechanism of osteogenic action of PEMF has not been fully established. This study investigated the effects of PEMF on the gene expression in human osteoblastic and the human mesencymal stem cells (hMSC). The cells were exposed to the PEMF in serum-free medium and the mRNA level of the expression of extraceller matrix associated proteins were examined by quantitative RT-PCR assay using a LightCycler. For the spreading osteoblastic cells on a type I collagen surface with PEMF stimulation, there was an approximately 2 fold increase compared with the expression in the control group for BMP-2 mRNA expression. The addition of 10 ng/ml of TGF beta-1 enhanced the BMP-2 mRNA expression in the hMSC. However, PEMF exposure inhibited BMP-2 mRNA expression in hMSC under this condition. The results indicate that the mechanism of osteogenic action of PEMF may be different in different cell types or in the degree of differentiating potency. Consequently, it is implied that PEMF has the ability to regulate BMP-2 mRNA expression directly in osteogenic cells.