国文学研究資料館紀要. 文学研究篇 (ISSN:18802230)
no.43, pp.12-39, 2017-03

14 世紀から17 世紀にかけて制作された短編の物語群であるお伽草子(室町物語)には、前代までの物語とは異なり、貴公子や姫君だけでなく、武士や庶民、芸能者や宗教者、神仏や異類にいたるまで、実にさまざまなモノたちが物語の主人公となって多彩な活躍を見せる。奇想天外な物語は絵とも結びつき、素朴な絵本から豪華な絵巻まで、多種多様な展開を見せ、形成・享受の層を拡げていった。本稿では、そのようなお伽草子について、先行研究や近年の研究動向をふまえながら、そこにあらわれたさまざまな女性像を概観し、とくに「変化」と「異界」という二つの観点から、物語草子をめぐる女性の役割の多様性について論じた。お伽草子を女性という視点から読み解くことは、近年の諸分野横断的、かつ国際的な研究状況においてもなお、極めて有効な方法と考える。そのため、本稿では、国際共同研究の成果発信のひとつとして、物語草子をめぐる女性の諸問題を英文によって概述した。なお末尾には、研究案内をかねて、近年刊行された物語草子に関連する主要な研究書の一覧を付した。The term otogi-zōshi refers to a group of short tales produced during the Muromachi period, that is, from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. These Muromachi-period tales differ from their predecessors insofar as they feature not only princes and princes, but members of the warrior class, commoners, dramatic performers, religious figures, deities, animals, and a great array of other various non-human creatures. These tales present us with a number of vibrant worlds full of action. Naturally, such bizarre and fantastic worlds lend themselves readily to pictorial representation. As the art of illustrating otogi-zōshi evolved from relatively simple picture books (ehon) to splendid picture scrolls (emaki), so, too, did their readership expand to include ever greater numbers of people.This paper, after reviewing previous scholarship and considering some modern trends in this field of research, proceeds to discuss the various roles of women as they appear in Muromachi tales. More specifically, I have attempted to consider this topic in the light of two main themes, namely, metamorphosis and other worlds. Reexamining Muromachi tales from the perspective of women is especially promising in virtue of the fact that it resonates so well with similar attempts being made in other fields of modern research, both within Japan and abroad. It is in hopes of furthering the cause of international collaborative research, therefore, that I have decided to publish my research in English. Furthermore, as a means of opening up this field of research, I have thought it fit to conclude this paper with a selected list of recent publications relating to the field of Muromachi tales.